Cory Doctorow’s blog pluralistic.net is required reading as far as I’m concerned.
You should also look into Escape Pod if you like sci-fi (just a hunch).
A typical bike-riding leftist urbanite who also happens to be a hockey-crazy Western Canadian.
Cory Doctorow’s blog pluralistic.net is required reading as far as I’m concerned.
You should also look into Escape Pod if you like sci-fi (just a hunch).
You have a point when it comes to online shopping (although I’d call it a simple monopoly), but there’s no such effect at physical stores. Interac and cash are already universally accepted, people can stop using visa/mastercard right now and not even have to think about it. Just grab a different card when you leave the house.
Yup, if you’re pronouncing Calgary as a 3 syllable word, you’re doing it wrong.
But then again, there are some cities where people add letters that aren’t there, like Vangcouver
Wait, that’s on gem? I need to stop sleeping on this service. That movie is a classic.
City Planner Plays is quite literally the Bob Ross of city building games. He uses his actual professional knowledge of city planning to build really creative and compelling stuff, and he makes it seem easy enough that you want to try doing it yourself. He has commissioned a library of chill lofi beats that he plays in the background of all his videos, which adds to the vibe immensely. And on top of that, he seems like a sincerely pleasant guy, just having fun doing a thing he enjoys doing. It’s an absolute gem of a channel.
Same thing, but KFC! In Canada they used to have Toonie Tuesdays, you could get 2 pieces of chicken and fries for $2.
Now for the weird part. My dad was kinda obsessed with KFC chicken. He had a colonel sanders shaped piggy bank, specifically for collecting $2 coins, for the singular purpose of buying fried chicken on Tuesdays.
is the logical OR in most languages I know of, but I’m pretty sure python only has the or
keyword, no shorthand.
Bitwise OR applies the logic to the individual bits in the underlying data. Think about how you would add two large numbers by hand. Write one number above the other and add at each position. Bitwise or is like that, except you OR the two bits in each position instead of adding them.
In your example (you can do an OR with n inputs, the result is 1 if any input is 1):
----- OR
So your code is actually being interpreted as if coin == 31:
Trump done pissed off the cowfolk! If Calgarians are mad about this, just think how mad the rest of us must be lol
Eagles sometimes hunt geese, so the eagle would probably win a direct 1 on 1. But geese are aggressively territorial and will fend off predators in groups, sometimes even alongside other species.
Canada geese have also taken down an alarming number of planes, so that’s something to think about.
Great speech. I have some amount of regret for not putting more effort into learning french, because that last french section seemed especially moving.
I swear Zach Hyman must have a record for disallowed goals. Can’t believe they didn’t challenge that.
I unironically support this
Mobile-first is supposed to be a specific way of implementing responsive design, but I think a lot of people say “job done” after the first step and never get around to the whole responsive thing. I think it’s easier to use a mobile layout on desktop than it is to use a desktop layout on mobile, so in that way I think mobile-first is a good principle to follow. But I agree, making a desktop layout that looks good is ignored far too much these days.
The one thing that really grinds my gears above everything else is how on some news sites, there’s an autoplaying video at the top of the article that follows you when you try to scroll past it. An autoplaying video is bad enough, but that’s just infuriating.
I find news sites tend to make the most aggressively bad UX decisions, most of them are a nightmare to visit even with an adblocker installed.
And 100% of the time the thing you end up clicking is an ad. It’s definitely intentional.
Yeah, failing to call in the exterminator the instant you see evidence of this type of invasive and predatory lawmaking is itself an act of treachery. It’s completely unacceptable.
I can’t even conceptualize what Canada would gain out of a treaty like this. It just seems like a cyberpunk version of an east india company. I’d rather not have some gig-contracted soldier showing up at my house to violently enforce their empire’s claim on my digital soul.
Our government needs to be doing the exact opposite of whatever the US is trying to compel them to do.
This guy Systèmes
Such is the problem with dictators in any situation. A benevolent dictator might be one of the most productive ways to run a project, but at some point there has to be a successor. Even a mildly-less-benevolent dictator could cause a lot of damage. Linux needs a governance structure with checks and balances even if it means slower decision making; it’s too important to let fall into the wrong hands.
Schwede contemplated selling his car, but after racking up more than 60,000 miles on it, there was little value left in it.
That’s a pretty steep devaluation curve. Do electric cars just wear out that fast? Or is this more of a hype-cycle rug pull situation?
Pretty sure OP is the hat man after seeing this