thats the spirit you get a patriot award
i would paste it here but i dont have it on my pc
only truth here
thats the spirit you get a patriot award
i would paste it here but i dont have it on my pc
thats the spirit i cant wait till tump❤️ gives us free chilly everyday
i think thats a country named chili or something i cant remember but it looks patriotic enough
obviously quality items like this tump doll is very expensive i mean who wouldnt want such a beauty
heyhey fellow patriot this isnt b8 this is 101% real and im not lying at all
please dont spread uninfo next time thank you
whoa wait buddy are you trying to say people arent taking me seriously
im so offended
tsiad/chud and i are entirely different people
sorry cant believe we wronged tump 💔💔💔
then let us give him control over ëstönïä
we should give the entire country to viktor orban and convert it to an absolute monarchy i mean what could go wrong its genius
there are too many monarchists in this space i dont get it
they will be purged
exactly thats why he should be a god emperer all these lgtiberals freaking out about him becoming a dictator are woke
woa be carefel patriot you might get assassinated by the deepstate
ill only support a monarchy if tump is the god emperor of it
woa take a chill pill my guy