it takes work to learn to trust, it takes strength to relearn to trust

  • 1 Post
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: January 31st, 2021

  • so i guess all the downvotes are people who feel uncomfortable having this conversation. like people on denial asking for statistics(that they could look up themselves) as means of trying to create counter arguments. debatelords who still belive in universalism crubling at the sight of another reality. rationals idealize being able to change their minds, but in reality they are the ones who struggle the most with it. for the rationality that should protect them from bs is hard as an iron shell.

    anyway if you spend more time denying the existence of the problem instead of tyring to solving it you are part of the problem :) and that’s a good thing. because it means you can start by challenging yourself and changing yourself to improve overall conditions.

  • And last but not least, I find it really questionable that people who claim to fight against discrimination, now dogpile on a clearly weak target who to a large extend seems to have said the things he did because of his asberger syndrome or something like that. What kind of shitty bullying is that?

    legit causes can always be used to get acquire more power etc… but I don’t see how it can be good for him to return.

    Why does it have to be total annihilation? In the grander scheme of things RMS is a small fish that is in some ways more of a friend than an enemy.

    I am unaware of rms efforts to change, I am also unaware of him having changed positions and showing it with action. At worst, him coming back(with the small amount of information I have) sounds just like defiance and lack of respect for oppressed people.

    There was so much bad blood over this, why can’t we just move on and accept this peace offer to the other side?

    As someone who believes in restorative justice I’d like to know more about the peace offer. :)

  • hello young friend, first of all, only you can tell if your relationship with computers is healthy or not. as a rule of thumb when living with other people, when using the computer stops us from taking care of other responsibilities we might change how we spend time on computers. However I say this based on having being a teenager when there was no curfews/quarantines so I could actually go out, play ball, meet new people in real life. I would respect my parents for they cared about me, but again this is about me so I reiterate, only you can tell if you are obsessed with computers, and even if it’s the case, you are the one who would be able to tell if that’s a problem to you. Some people might argue that our urges are conditioned reflexes, which I interpret as, doing what we feel like doing doesn’t always mean being free. TL,DR: only you can know what you should do ;)