I was trying to avoid that but thank you for volunteering it.
I was trying to avoid that but thank you for volunteering it.
First things first: garbage bagel
A bagel made with garbage? A bagel stuffed with garbage? A bagel found in the garbage? A bagel so bad it should be considered garbage?
I’ll be thinking about this throughout my day. This is good entertainment value! Thank you.
Now, to the subject at hand.
That is horrible to know and a lot more common than we like to admit, even today, in our present time of sexual freedom and liberation. Yet we insist on creating this pure and perfect image for people the moment they become older and that is simply idiotic. Old people were young once.
Why does everyone presuposes grandma was a prude woman? Who knows what she did when she was young.
You mind if I DM you? I’d like to ask a few questions that do not need to be of public knowledge.
Give me the apple pie, keep this trash.
Appetizers tray and ice bucket combo.
Okay. Let me write a couple down.
That is supposed to be a snack tray. The top of the helmet is an ice bucket and the face guard has two small trays for - I don’t know… - peanuts and salty snacks?
And it was being treated as a poor taste novelty by everyone.
Let me know if you want some recipes. We do not use tomato in soup, unless it is tomato soup, which we consider a foreign dish.
Definetely not.
I was a blood doner when I met my partner. I was constantly asked/reminded that having casual sex partners would ban me for six months from donating; I have a fairly uncommon blood type for my country, so I was very keen on not being put on “quarantine”.
When we said it was the right moment for us to be together, I went to make a donation before and warned I would not be donating for the nexy six months for obvious reasons.
I was thanked for the warning and about two weeks later received a full bloodwork panel, including STDs, attesting I was clean and as safe as possible.
When I did return for my next donation, when asked if had been with new sex partners for the last six months, when I replied I was still doing the same, since my last visit, everyone laughed.
Never pressure anyone into unprotected sex. Ever.
You’re welcome. And you nick name sounds both awsome and terrifying, all at the same time!
Cavolo nero!
I’ve read about this variety before. It never got that much traction in my country because we developed our own varieties over the centuries. I think we have over 50 defined varietied of kale here.
Yes, we love our kale.
The other I shared is the main ingredient for our most traditional soup - caldo verde - because it’s fibrous but sweet and chewy when boilef. It’s a general purpose kale nonetheless.
For other dishes we have broad leaf varieties, sweeter and with thick stalks. Essentially we made our best to cram into one (several) plant a green leafy part and a soft, tuber like, part.
Can you give a link for that variety? Just the name is enough to get me curious.
At some point, this was a thing.
ASRock, as per the lore passed down to me by a former coworker, started as a low cost, second line, for ASUS.
They would just throw crazy mobos together, often with new technologies and new types of components, to test the reaction of the markets. If a particular feature or design was well accepted, ASUS would improve it, repackage it and sell main brand boards with it.
Apparently, at some point, the brand became so popular it was spun-off and became a company on its own.
I have very good experience with their products.
Cheat: power overwhelming
Effect: invencible units
The Protoss would chant the words in such a cool tone and way.
Imagine beating an entire Zerg wave with one unit.
Yes? As most americans already do? I wouldn’t feel insulted or aggravated.