The whole reason to put ASS in the scoreboard, so yes.
The whole reason to put ASS in the scoreboard, so yes.
Forget the percentage of absinthe I had, 60ish (120 proof I think)? But that made me think I was drinking rubbing alcohol straight after it went down, can’t imagine 95%…mean still had the bottle over time, that shit was pricey.
I always thought so, expensive enough to live there without the huge price of trying to travel. Though I lived there for awhile so many be biased.
Maybe that’s what I noticed, but I thought it just stopped loading regardless. I was trying to go slower to see if that was a factor but I am not sure it was. More like after so many posts(pages) it stops loading. I haven’t actually checked how many pages or posts to be fair but it feels like about the same amount before it stopped.
Edit thought I’d add it seems about 5-6 pages worth? I checked a few times but forgot to remember the count, was just seeing if anything made it work again without restarting.
I recall that sentiment during the Tangerine Turd’s first term as well from comedy writers. Like how can you make satire when it’s probably been discussed at the oval office? That alone should make any citizen think about what brought on that situation, but if it didn’t the first time, sure as hell won’t do anything for the believers now. Unfortunately it makes for a poor situation when it happens to the country with the biggest military on the planet.
I give it a year, but I’m usually wrong heh. Tiny snowflakes that are richer than anyone. You’d think being that rich you could learn to laugh it off, or at least afford therapy that teaches you that skill, even if it takes a billion dollars cause you’re such a huge dick.
I picked up a couple of these over the years, they’re very solid JRPG type games, highly recommend if that’s your thing, as long as you enjoy some crafting mechanics as well. Only played the Ryza ones so far and she’s a fairly typical bubbly protagonist. Though only has Japanese dialogue so need to use subtitles if you’re not proficient with that one. Maybe newer ones are different but they were quite fun to me.
Wait I thought Plex was a program to use like Kodi for your library, it offers streaming as well or something? I’m so behind, but far enough behind I’ve digitized a library of crap that I didn’t assume my file viewer needed a subscription to go with it.
Saw some features like dimming the lights, well my light is literally above my head, if I don’t want it I can reach up. If I don’t want to reach up it’s not worth paying for.
To be fair I haven’t interacted with any but I’d sure shoulder check one if it got in my crease…okay I’d probably run away screaming if it started honking, I’ve heard enough stories. Didn’t survive living in the middle of nowhere without ignoring the cute bear cubs and geese sure aren’t that cute.
Best use I’ve seen of that meme in years. To be fair I don’t really pay attention to memes but seen more of these ones recently. Also I’m Canadian so … fucking eh, suck it hosers.
There are so many better options to whatever they said, like there are so many better options for a properly run government. These days I just assume this is how the the US people (as a whole, I know many do not want this) want their government run, which is troubling but expected nowadays, unfortunately.
With different mods each playthrough can be quite different too. That’s why easily modable games are awesome for their price. Of course I just like being in a big shooty mech to blow stuff up so may be biased on that one in particular.
No I didn’t but he wasn’t prosecuted which is why I was curious about the bar being set, and I forgot how to spell his name. There’s just so many swines to pick from in his sty. Oh guess sty means small pen, not quite the correct word.
Only two? I haven’t kept up, I assumed it’s much more than that. Or is the new one much worse and hence the prominent to go with Epstein? Or maybe it’s just going with prosecuted ones? Really he’s just wallowing in his usual filth anyways. But hey the Americans voted for him to ‘lead’…again, so shows what the values of the voters.
Yes I know voting sucks in the US (from long times to the electoral collage numbers) but they all still made him president again.
Nice beaver.
Thank you, I just had it stuffed.
It seems you’re The Sisko. The prophets welcome you.
Why a spoon cousin, why not an axe? It’s dull you twit.
I always remembered that bit, I rarely heard anyone but my dad call someone a twit.
I always remember skimming over the fantasy ones (dinos spaceman etc) as a young kid, I think cause they were too much description for my time. Now they’re quite amusing. Mean I sort of read them but just to find the joke rather than enjoy the flavour of his imagination.
Yeah I don’t recall it being 100% clear on who they were due to know identification. Mean wasn’t it like some federal forest service (okay according to Google was department of interior) doing the gassing for the photo bible bit?
Of course this is what his supporters want, I just hope the rest of the US decides this isn’t who they want to be. But I’m not holding my breath anymore , a giant douche filled with a turd sandwich should get more votes than that sepsis on society.
If they bother to understand it that is. Base 10 is so simple for metric don’t know why we haven’t adopted it everywhere, I say that knowing weight in pounds and height in feet / inches, cause who wants to convert everything? But still, would have been better to understand that way from school teachings and used Canada wide.