Wow this one has serious air time
Wow this one has serious air time
What about his family at the address?
And you think this would help your cause? This would only motivate the right and make them more brazen. You can change things using violence, and if you do they won’t last. It’s up to the people to defeat them in the elections. Your focus should be on grassroots movements to change the people’s minds, not resort to violence like this. This same thought process is what led to J6 riots.
What the fuck is with all the jokes about missing Trump? Assassinating a political candidate is nothing to be happy about, no matter how you feel about them.
It’s spelled ‘enema’
What? Just because they’re colorblind they have no use for a penis? That’s ableism.
Senile has a very specific meaning, and while Trump is a number of things, he’s nowhere near as senile as Biden yet. Biden lost trains of thought constantly, and tried to find a fitting word to complete his sentence, jumped from one subject to another, and ended up beating medicare. Just watch Biden in the 2020 debate and now. Tell me you don’t see an astounding difference.
Listening to this for the first time, and I don’t hear him say he’s the black woman. He starts saying something, then changes mid sentence and says, “like I said, the first black woman vice president, served with a black president, first black woman chief justice”. Are you saying he says he’s also the first black woman chief justice? There’s legitimately many concerning things he has said due to his mental issues, but this is just nitpicking.
Tongue tied isn’t the same as what happened with Biden on the debate night. It’s theoretically possible for Trump to stop lying or at least restrain himself, because it’s not a physical ailment that only gets worse as time goes by. Compare 2020 debate Trump vs 2024 debate Trump and you’ll see how much better he was this time. Biden on the other hand has no control over what is going on with him, and it doesn’t get better with age, only goes the opposite direction. He did good during his 4 years, but he’s only tarnishing his legacy by running again. He should quit while he’s ahead.
That’s why you bring your sword with you.
Welcome to the pundit class
He went from ‘Im the one who can beat him’, to ‘its okay if I lose’. Who’s the troll again?
No, I want him to make the biggest sacrifice he can make. Give up his ego and step down.
So I guess it’s not a big deal if Trump wins? It’s not an apocalypse if he wins? This is like advising to make your own coffee while the banks get bailed out. When it comes to people voting, people should vote for Biden even if he can’t string a coherent sentence because Trump is the absolute biggest threat to democracy, but when it comes to Biden stepping down, it’s okay if he loses to Trump as long as he gives his best.
It would be a lot more beneficial to them to add an arbitration clause to all their movies. Watching the next avengers movie? You give up the rights to your first born.