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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • Surprisingly taxation isn’t hugely different, at least for average income levels, according to the latest OECD report – and we get publicly funded healthcare!

    I suspect many of these wannabe Americans would be in for a nasty surprise when they learn that the US in fact does have reasonably comparable taxes… And limited healthcare coverage, and very poor maternal leave benefits, shorter average lifespan, lower minimum wage, the list goes on…

    I for one, am proud to be Canadian! 🇨🇦

    OECD (2024), Taxing Wages 2024: Tax and Gender through the Lens of the Second Earner, OECD Publishing, Paris, https://doi.org/10.1787/dbcbac85-en.

  • Purchased some local onions instead of onions from the US, along with a few other things. Salsa from Mexico. Was a small grocery run, but my purchases would have been 15% American previously - but 0% this time.

    If everyone is doing this, the numbers do start to add up quickly to a meaningful impact.

  • Plasma is great for the flexibility (shortcuts), and so easy these days.

    I was searching for task switcher, expose, etc. And just completely gapped on searching ‘overview’. (Web searches didn’t show it either, possibly because it’s too simple, so nobody posts about it.)

    Next up I might have to play some window tiling (e.g. like i3, sway & hyprland).

  • I also wonder how much the shift toward mobile devices in browser market share (>60% today from nearly non-existent 20 years ago) played into declining Firefox market share.

    Not only was Chrome lean, clean and fast at the time, it was also the default option on mobile for Android. Same for Safari on iPhone. Since (most?) people use the default option, especially if it worked well during early adoption on mobile, it seems pretty understandable why we see chrome / safari where they are in browser market share.

    Anyway, I’m glad we still have options like Firefox, and hope we don’t see decreasing support for the Gecko browser engine associated with the lower market share.

  • Not a lawyer, but this seems (1) a ridiculous response by the Alberta Government, and (2) perhaps unnecessary wording in an amendment, since misleading claims are already covered under the Competition Act?

    The amendment to the competition act reads:

    (b.‍1) makes a representation to the public in the form of a statement, warranty or guarantee of a product’s benefits for protecting or restoring the environment or mitigating the environmental, social and ecological causes or effects of climate change that is not based on an adequate and proper test, the proof of which lies on the person making the representation; (b.‍2) makes a representation to the public with respect to the benefits of a business or business activity for protecting or restoring the environment or mitigating the environmental and ecological causes or effects of climate change that is not based on adequate and proper substantiation in accordance with internationally recognized methodology, the proof of which lies on the person making the representation; or

    And the current text of the Act reads:

    Misrepresentations to public 74.01 (1) A person engages in reviewable conduct who, for the purpose of promoting, directly or indirectly, the supply or use of a product or for the purpose of promoting, directly or indirectly, any business interest, by any means whatever (a) makes a representation to the public that is false or misleading in a material respect (b) makes a representation to the public in the form of a statement, warranty or guarantee of the performance, efficacy or length of life of a product that is not based on an adequate and proper test thereof, the proof of which lies on the person making the representation;

    So… my non-legal viewpoint is that making a misleading representation to the public is already covered by the competition act. The new wording clarifies the scope to explicitly include environmental misrepresentation (which seems completely fair given the amount of greenwashing we see - from consumer products through to natural resource extraction). The only potential challenge appears to be the “internationally recognized methodology”, especially where a methodology doesn’t exist. But in that case, perhaps companies should just refrain from making potentially misleading claims.

    The Alberta government is just following its playbook once again of trying to position the feds as the enemy of Alberta… Because that’s easier for them, than actually coming up with good ideas.

  • I’ve had a pretty good experience with OpenSUSE Tumbleweed, with a pretty similar use case / criteria.

    I’ve done my share of tinkering, and while I learned a lot, and enjoyed Gentoo, Arch, Debian, NixOS, and others (Mandrake, Ubuntu), I sometimes I just want get my work done…

    With Tumbleweed, there are a few packages that you’d need to install for codecs, but that’s easily done via the CLI zypper package manager with a single command.

    I’d definitely recommend checking it out - its been a solid daily driver for almost 3-years now with very few issues, and lets me focus on getting stuff done. I wonder if this is due to their QA build process (OBS)?

    Anyway, good luck & have fun whatever you choose!