milistanaccount09 [she/her, any]

I like anime lesbians, disco, and probably other stuff, I dunno. Banner is from the visual novel HOPE LEFT ME, avatar is the Tamari Plush from the song Reckless Battery Burns.

Check out the Sacred and Terrible Air Group Ibex translation!

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: May 1st, 2023


  • I’m coming back to this thread to drop this insightful tumblr post I saw the other day:

    The poster here is addressing something different from what you’re talking about but I think there’s something to it; blurring the line between traditionally ‘platonic’ relationships like mother, sister, and even friend with the ‘romantic’ roles of boyfriend, wife, etc is certainly something I do with my queer friends. It’s not quite the same thing but I think there’s something to be said about desiring a relationship with someone that is both close physically and emotionally but yet does not reach the ‘level’ of ‘partner.’ I like relationships that are as close and reliant as the sister but I also like having sex, if you get what I mean.