marx_mentat [he/him, comrade/them]

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: February 23rd, 2023


  • Let’s not pretend that your politics aren’t inherently authoritarian as well.

    Either you support capitalism (or worse), which is grossly authoritarian as it inflicts massive violence not only via warfare but through mass starvation and deprivation, or you support socialism, in which case you have two options:

    1. The violent overthrow of the current system (spoiler alert: that’s a very authoritarian thing to do!)

    2. The gradual reform of the current system, meaning maintaining the status quo for an exceptionally long time as we ever so slowly creep our way to a more just economic system while countless people starve, go homeless, die without healthcare, end up in yet-another war and so on (which is a very authoritarian proposition, just throwing away the lives of the poor in your own country-not to mention those in the developing world-just so you can have a neat and tidy reformist approach that doesn’t rock the boat.)

  • As a rule the US government does not mislead its own citizens the way Russia and China do.

    USians are literally the most propagandized pop on the planet.

    USians are the only dipshits who think their state will just do the right thing with zero pressure.

    Imagine thinking the people living in a system where bribery and corruption have literally been legalized and (somehow) still believe is the least corrupt system on earth, have not been propagandized into a pulp of absolute impotence and servility.