@[email protected] true, but as a Linux user, I find macOS just as annoying lol. Referencing the fact that every time I open my Mac I have to be faced with that notification telling me to update, a notification that I cannot even dismiss (like you normally could with other notifs) besides telling it to try doing so “tonight” lol.
@[email protected] I do have them turned off - which seems to be the reason why I find these things deciding to annoy me more and more lol (for good reason I’m sure, but still haha). It’s the same behaviour on iPhones too that haven’t been updated in a long time.
Linux works perfectly for me for years now, which I know is a privilege. I’ve always gone with Macs tho since forever when it comes to laptops cos no other laptops compare. I’d love to have my M1 Mac to be on Linux, but I don’t think it’s ready yet. My old Macs all run Linux perfectly smoothly and made them really pleasant and snappy to use (while remaining just as pretty as macOS) rather than just serviceable, despite their old hardware.
and yea screw Windows - the thing is literally not even good (or needed) at anything anymore for a long while now, not even gaming.