In other news, my store is having a 50% off sale on eggs! Everything must go!
In other news, my store is having a 50% off sale on eggs! Everything must go!
My heart can only take so much
Why did you expose my eyeballs to this again?
Bold of you to assume it hasn’t already
So why do you want to control the treasury Mr Krabs? Money!
Write that down!
Write that down!
100%. It’s crazy that banks haven’t caught up with the times.
The amount of people not already using MFA in this thread is too damn high!
This 100%. KSP stock is easy mode in terms of the lift you need to get to orbit. Not even accounting for the moon.
I normally would agree, but actually had a timeshift instance that wasn’t properly deleting old backups. Ended up taking over every last byte
I prefer the toilet wine
That’s actually perfect for me cause I didn’t want to quit anyway
Its actually pronounced Nice.
What do you mean? I paid \s
I’ve Been Involved In A Number Of Cults, Both As A Leader And A Follower. You Have More Fun As A Follower. But You Make More Money As A Leader.
I already won the lottery. Born in the US of A baby!
That’s a raptor egg. Somehow uhh… Life finds a way
I take your wood and I burn it down. (I’m a PhD fire scientist)
Insert family guy meme