Yup. It’s sad/amazing to watch, depending on what side you’re on.
Yup. It’s sad/amazing to watch, depending on what side you’re on.
Holy shit, Vegas is just dominating right now.
That sounds really interesting! I’m currently reading a book in the same vein called Misquoting Jesus: The Story Behind Who Changed the Bible and Why by Bart D. Ehrman. As a formerly religious person it’s giving me some really interesting insight into how the bible was written, and how changes occurred and what motivated them.
Damn, they’re done eh? Unless Bob can stand on his head and the boys can play inspired and win it for their injured comrade.
I’m not sure when it runs because I don’t currently live in the city, but it’s located at Robert A Steen Community Centre.
Edit: (https://robertasteencc.ca/community/wolseley-farmers-market/)
That’s talent.
Thank you for having me!
That’s absolutely horrifying. Thank God it was stopped.