It was self-fulfilling for me. I started self-hosting and messing with networking before I went into IT. I thought I’d be in a very different field until ~10 years ago.
It was self-fulfilling for me. I started self-hosting and messing with networking before I went into IT. I thought I’d be in a very different field until ~10 years ago.
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As a general rule, I tend to focus on a title or a series of {books,tv,movies,games,musician,etc}, consume it to death over the course of a handful of weeks/months, then lose interest and never touch it ever again.
I had a big Soulslike phase in the middle of the pandemic. Before that it was Rocket League. I’ve gamed very little these last months in between a million consecutive life events, but the little time I had to play was almost exclusively on Monster Hunter (I just reached Iceborne in MHW).
The one game I had a legitimately problematic relationship with was Counter Strike, as a teen and young adult. Nowadays, I still have the general game sense but the reflexes and skills are long gone, and I don’t have the time to dedicate to getting to a level I’d feel good at.
The newest Teams app (and I think newest Outlook amongst others) is using system/Edge provided WebViews rather than Electron, which I guess takes care of the “each app gets its own Chrome instance” part of the Electron bloat. It’s so far running better than old Teams for me. On my old work laptop, the fans spun up the second the old Teams client launched lol
To be fair, when I hear a union rep saying “this outcome was good for the employer”, I kind of assume it is consequently bad for the workers. I don’t really believe win/win situations really happen in labour agreement negos lol
This is how I see it too. His intentions were pure - he wanted the ring’s power to save Gondor. The Ring corrupted and exploited those desires. In the books, we know his immediate thoughts were for the people of Gondor and the hobbits he felt like he failed, and he gave his life to defend their escape.
They were both pretty popular 10+ years ago, so you may have been old for a while. Or you just don’t watch Marvel stuff and/or other more recent fantasy TV lol
Deborah Ann Woll played in True Blood, then was cast into the Marvel universe through Daredevil, then Punisher. Bernthal played Punisher in the series of the same name, and in The Walking Dead before that.
they’re not heavy enough to sweat in
This sounds like a challenge my body would lose. I just sweat all the time, regardless of the temperature or level of physical activity.
Interesting. Personally, it doesn’t kill my desire to drink when I do decide to go on a bender. If anything, for me it gets easier to drink when there’s weed involved, as I just don’t enjoy most alcoholic beverages, taste wise. However, since access to weed got easier and I don’t have to hide anymore, when the occasion to get a buzz happens, I just prefer the weed high to being drunk, and I can skip the hangover.
The landlords, who are identified only by the initials S.O. and K.O., argued they had good reason to expect the rate would remain low when they purchased the property. The Bank of Canada had kept its interest rate low for more than decade, as part of the government’s effort to stimulate the economy following the 2008 recession.
… in 2021? We were in the middle of a global pandemic, economy was already starting to show signs of stress, and a nationwide property values had shot up 25% YoY. How did they even manage to make the argument that anyone in their right mind would expect interest rates to remain low until the end of their term?!
Yeah… I’m a total mess without, almost as dramatic a difference as the ADHD meds, but it’s just insane how much.
Je suis en Montérégie, c’est très plat dans mon coin, donc non, heureusement. Mais l’eau s’est accumulée un peu partout dans le coin pareil, à des endroits où j’en avais jamais vu…
Hah, that’s Cipralex for me. Works wonders for the anxiety for me, but it really kills sex drive.
Vyvanse takes the cake for me, easy. But which brain meds work for you is heavily dependent on your particular brain chemistry.
Otherwise, obsessive usage of alarms and reminders is the best crutch I’ve found to remain somewhat productive.
Oh wow, I completely forgot this game existed.
Whoa. It’s a pretty interesting technique. Lots of wrist involved. Very fluid.
Ma langue maternelle est le français. Je suis né et vis au Québec, d’une famille canadienne française assez typique. Mes habiletés d’écriture sont plutôt fortes à en croire mes notes à l’école, mais je les pratique très peu. Je ne le parle pas aussi bien que je l’écris…
Otherwise I’m pretty proficient in English. I’d say I’m more or less bilingual at this point. I cannot seem to enjoy fiction books nearly as much in the language though. I can’t really appreciate the differences in style well enough, I think.
“à l’école”, but otherwise flawless. You don’t see complex sentences with properly conjugated verbs from a lot of second language speakers, so I have a feeling your French is indeed pretty good.
An app “talks” to server through some interface (what they call an API). If the interface is known, another app can use the same interface. Telegram goes as far as providing code that interfaces with their protocol and full API documentation to explain how to use it. The base app is open source too, so developers can even peek at how the official app does it for inspiration.