• 3 Posts
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: February 18th, 2024


  • A tool is a tool.

    That is a miopic view. Sure a tool is a tool, if I take a gun and use it to save someone from getting mugged = good if I use it to mug someone = bad

    But regardless of the circumstance of use, we can all agree that a gun’s only utility is to destroy a living organism.

    You know, I know, everyone here knows, AI will only be used to generate as much profit as possible in the shortest amount of time, regardless of the harm it causes. And right now, the big promise of AI is that it will replace costly human employees, that’s it, that’s all.

    Fortunately, it is really bad and unlikely to achieve this goal

  • It delivers on what it promises to do for many people who use LLMs.

    Does it though?

    They can be used for coding assistance,

    They promised no programmers needed in 5 years. (well not promised, somebody did say that but not OpenAI staff, I think). The cost of AI both in money and energy use, does not really justify the limited aid it can provide to a programmer. You are never getting enough additional efficiency from said programmer to justify those costs

    Setting up automated customer support,

    Even more hated than when every customer centre moved to India

    tutoring, processing documents, structuring lots of complex information,

    Again, at that cost? the marginal improvement does not add up

    a good generally accurate knowledge on many topics,

    Is it though? if I can only trust it with answers I already know enough to discern whether I am getting bullshit or not, then it’s not worth it. As it it today, I cannot trust it with any search I really do not know the answer to (or can easily verify) as it can be throwing complete bullshit at me and I would have no way of knowing either.

    acting as an editor for your writings, lots more too.

    Again? you mentioned the processing docs already… but again I tell you, who will pay the heavy costs just so internal memos are written slightly better? and everything your company sends out would have to be reviewed as you do not want AI promising something you cannot deliver via hallucination

  • He is just stating the obvious, like saying the sun is hot.

    But he could say they are engineering to catch up to the trend, right? the question is not if they are to implement AI features in their current 8 year old console. The question is if AI is in their development path in the future

    And the answer is no, Nintendo does not seem to see value there. I for one agree, the stuff you mentioned about AI in other comments in the thread go from “meh” to “I actively do not want that in my games”. This is just my opinion as a casual gamer but I see logic in Nintendo’s stance here.

  • It’s worth realizing some people do not want to be cheered up.

    I get that 100% and, although I am sure I made the mistake before, I am trying hard to understand and respect these boundaries

    I am just saying I believe wearing such a pin to avoid people would have a noticeable cobra effect