Hahaha yeah it felt a bit on the nose.
I’ll let you guess how often I completely forget to do an important task.
Hahaha yeah it felt a bit on the nose.
I’ll let you guess how often I completely forget to do an important task.
Probably depends on state or whatever what requirements are.
They had me do a test using a VR headset, and I was like “Oh this will be fun!”
No, it wasn’t. I had to stare at a VR aquarium and press a button based on instructions for 20 minutes like
“If you see a clown fish, then a blue fish, press the button” or
“If you hear me say Sturgeon, or you see a clown fish, press the button”
“Press the button if you hear the name of any fish that isn’t a clown fish, or see any fish that isn’t a sturgeon”
Apparently I did VERY poorly on instruction switching, with it taking several minutes between tasks for me to get the instructions down where they like bleed together. Also like little kids would walk in front of me, or a phone would ring, or TVS would flash.
I actually went to a science/nature camp as a kid where a pig part was we would catch pot guts (ground squirrels)!
Almost every animal there had been caught dozens of times. Because they would go in, get peanut butter, be shown to a counselor that would mark that they were caught, then let go. So pretty sure all of them were trap happy since a 100 traps were out in a field 4 months out of the year, every single year.
Wild. With how gnarly residency is you’d THINK most of them would be ground out, but guess some folks just see those dollar bills working as a corporate doctor.
So like did he complete his residency then head straight for insurance field?
The happiest birthday makes me upset.
Because his point is so stupid, but I can’t argue at all.
His choice would be a legendary birthday. Your friends would know your birthday before they knew their parents’ birthdates.
Yeah usually they’d cut kids off from lunch after like 10ish dollars of lunch debt for my school, like 5 meals behind max.
So a class worth of school lunch debt legit might be like 100$, and prevent a handful from being allowed lunch anymore. The level of petty is absurd.
A reasonable policy
Sleep five minutes, play five minutes, eat, repeat! Very busy kitty.
Aww that’s so cute!
I mean I still see comics from time to time from his that are amusing.
At this point I kind of just accept that all long running comics/web comics have some absolute awful arcs/panels. I think I assume it just comes with having to come up with content daily and they probably can’t spend a lot of time thinking about it?
This is bad and you should feel bad.
How dare you take the most out of pocket and tone deaf comic and make it a heart breaking political piece?
Raspberries? Oof I can’t imagine great. But let’s see.
$4 for 200 calories. So raspberries would be off the top at 2 dollars for 100 calories (just looking at nutrition label). Fresh has even worse.
Kumquat I can’t find a solid price on, but given each fruit has about 13 calories, I can’t imagine it’s a good source of them.
So yeah those are for sure flavor and vitamin eats and not calorie eats XD
They said Walmart is the source… so off I go!
Based on the nutrition label the container has 4,320 calories at about 10 dollars.
So 1 dollar for 400 calories, or .25 for 100.
But given they reference walmart and USDA it’s very likely these are not accurate outside the US.
The fact that he took this chance to target a group of innocent immigrants again who have already been the target of death threats as a result of his lies, and then he had the audacity to tell them not to fact check him?
He’s a monster and I can’t stand him.
Fingers crossed for them! I hope they get the wages they need to not need to live by this chart, and guarantees that even as the docks modernize the workers will have good paying jobs regardless.
Haha I mean brown rice is cheaper! And buying flour then making baked goods is cheaper! Do not embrace the dark side!
Oh yeah he mentions his source is Walmart in a specific state, but amazon is more consistent here.
Always interesting to hear how different stuff is in different countries!
Yeah canned tuna is almost always a dollar for a dinky little can of 100 calories. A pound of wings has many times that, with the online one I found being $3/lb.
So I guess this chart is doing a pretty good job at breaking up some preconceived notions!
How dare you post it exactly when I know I should go to sleep but don’t wanna.
Work is after sleep. If I delay sleep, I delay work!