• 125 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • Probably depends on state or whatever what requirements are.

    They had me do a test using a VR headset, and I was like “Oh this will be fun!”

    No, it wasn’t. I had to stare at a VR aquarium and press a button based on instructions for 20 minutes like

    “If you see a clown fish, then a blue fish, press the button” or

    “If you hear me say Sturgeon, or you see a clown fish, press the button”

    “Press the button if you hear the name of any fish that isn’t a clown fish, or see any fish that isn’t a sturgeon”

    Apparently I did VERY poorly on instruction switching, with it taking several minutes between tasks for me to get the instructions down where they like bleed together. Also like little kids would walk in front of me, or a phone would ring, or TVS would flash.

  • I actually went to a science/nature camp as a kid where a pig part was we would catch pot guts (ground squirrels)!

    Almost every animal there had been caught dozens of times. Because they would go in, get peanut butter, be shown to a counselor that would mark that they were caught, then let go. So pretty sure all of them were trap happy since a 100 traps were out in a field 4 months out of the year, every single year.