• 1 Post
Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: April 30th, 2024


  • I just think:

    how many living species have been on earth? Millions probably

    How many of those species are intelligent? 1

    How long have this intelligent species been around? Nothing at a cosmic timescale.

    How many of this intelligent species have become “interstellar”? 0

    I don’t think those numbers can be extrapolate, even to the observable universe, to ensure that there are any species capable of interestellar travel around. Living species and even intelligent ones? Maybe. But a long lasting inteligent and interestellar species? We are not an example of that, so we have 0 examples to extrapolate. Only our wishful thinking that humanity will last longer and keep progressing, but that is just a hope, not real yet.

  • To understand nazis religion it is important to understand religion in germany.

    Back in the day, and today is similar in former west Germany, Germany had a fairly even split between catholicism and protestantism.

    So the nazi party taking a strong religious dogma either way would had been very harmful towards their objectives, as half the population could refuse to follow a catholic/protestant movement. That’s why their leader and the party didn’t really seemed to take a strong religious stance. But at the end they were linked to the conservative values that are associated with religion. And his allies, Spain and Italy. Both formed fascist dictatorships very linked with the Catholic church, being their countries homogeneous in that aspect. In fact Spanish dictatorship is often refered as national-catholicism, and Mussolini had full support from the Vatican and the Pope.

    At the end fascism, in whichever form and name it takes, tend to link with conservative values that are usually also linked with religion. The nazi party being just an exception due Germany particular religion situation.

  • I do self host several AI applications for myself on a low end device and I think for most lowend even mid devices local AI is unfeasible. Nowadays is too much resource heavy and times are too long without high end devices.

    For my computer generating a description of a picture (one of the firefox new features) could easily take up to 5-10 minutes with the cpu at 100%. That’s just not viable for doing while browsing.

    Anyway I would love for firefox to open source the server side of this. So in case someone have s computer powerful enough they could do it locally if they want to.

  • There’s no stopping climate change in capitalism.

    And nothing was done in the way of ending capitalism. Asking “pretty please stop using oil we will paint things” to a capitalist government is ridiculous. The only way to end emissions is being us the ones who control the industry.

    So, from my point of view was a useless, possibly counter productive, action.

  • I’m not a US citizen.

    Anyway I would not start doing that kind of reasoning. I know it’s with good intentions. But it gives space to those who want to say that some group of people are bad just because a collateral reason.

    What if statistics would say that inmigrants do more crime? What if someone make a logical reason justifying that moving for one place to another makes you a bad person?

    I prefer not entering into that arguments. Each person should be judged by it’s actions, and not by which racial, national or any other not related group they belong.

    Also, I refuse to be called “worse” just because I did not emigrated, just saying.

  • No everything has to be for profit in this life.

    I’ve no contract with them, I’ve not made any purchases. They post something online for anyone to see.

    They are completely free of locking their content behind a paywall, there are plenty of platforms for that.

    But I want to make my first statement clear: no every single thing any human being does has to be done just for the sole purpose of getting an economical profit. That would be the death of humanity.

    I still remember 90s internet when we had tons of websites with lots of content that was just there because the creators were fans of such content, no further intentions. Barely any ads or monetization whatsoever. The ‘shark’ mentality is killing internet.