My pattern recognition tells me there are faces in clouds too, should i believe in cloud giants?
My pattern recognition tells me there are faces in clouds too, should i believe in cloud giants?
Crap, now all the braindead covid conspiracy theorists are going to roll this into their “15 minite cities are open air prisons” conspiracies
Except this time it’s the fascist getting the curby.
I’m looking forward to seeing him look more like aamon’s depiction of him
Good, I’m surprised our taxes were funding such a programme.
Do you think your bullies would spend time on Lemmy? Much less admit they were bullies on a thread like this? I think there might be a bias at play here.
Aww the condecension is cute, so is it just that you take issue with a politician lying? Incredible.
Yeah he should have definitely stood his ground, unarmed, against an angry, violent and armed mob of lunatics. Like stfu you would do the exact same given the circumstance.
Holy shit it’s the real John Capitalism!
I guess “world trade center attack” or “wtc attack”?
I thought the silly alien story came out because their higher OT handbooks were admitted as evidence in a case and became part of public record.
Possessed by very confused alien souls that got here because an intergalactic alien warlord named Xenu wanted to do a genocide so he rounded up a bunch of other aliens, tied them to volcanoes on Earth, bombed those volcanoes with hydrogen bombs, captured their souls and made them go to therapy.
(For those who may have missed that south park episode)
Removed admin access for all developers without warning and without a means for us to install software. We got access back in the form of a secondary admin account a few days later, it was just annoying until then.
I think he was released last year.
Sorry but the idea disabled people can only use cars and need car-centric infrastructure to live in a city is delusional
And one of the most tired scapegoats used by people opposing it, we all know they don’t give a flying fuck about accessibility when it comes to any other city planning or infrastructure project.
That’s weird but I accept it for the UK. That’s doubly confusing when the term can also refer to the Mayor’s partner.
I can get ketchup from a massive cow tit!? holy shit based.
omg I found them these are actually brilliant, unlike the pump bottles you’ll never get the random money shot of condiment that misses your hotdog completely and gets on your shirt.
There’s no reason to gender the word Mayor, a Mayor is a Mayor despite whatever bits they have.
You skipped class on the “correlation does not mean causation” day didn’t you?