• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 28th, 2023

  • Ezra Klein is the biggest mark on earth. His newest podcast description starts with:

    Artificial general intelligence — an A.I. system that can beat humans at almost any cognitive task — is arriving in just a couple of years. That’s what people tell me — people who work in A.I. labs, researchers who follow their work, former White House officials. A lot of these people have been calling me over the last couple of months trying to convey the urgency. This is coming during President Trump’s term, they tell me. We’re not ready.

    Oh, that’s what the researchers tell you? Cool cool, no need to hedge any further than that, they’re experts after all.

  • Bari Weiss, IDW star, founder of The Free Press and author of “How to Fight Anti-Semitism” publishes and then approvingly tweets excerpts from not-very-convincingly-ex white supremacist Richard Hanania explaining that

    These stiff-armed salutes are not expressions of sincere Nazism but an oppositional culture that, like a rebel band that keeps wearing fatigues after victory, has failed to realize it’s no longer in the opposition.

    Quite uncharacteristically, she deleted her tweet in shame, but not before our friend TracingWoodgrains signal boosted it, adding “Excellent, timely article from Hanania.” His favorite excerpt, unsurprisingly, is Hanania patiently explaining that open Nazism is not “a winning political strategy.” Better to insinuate your racism with sophistication!

    Shortly after, realizing he needed to even out his light criticism of his fascist comrades, Woodgrains posted about “vile populism to right of me, vile populism to left of me”, with the latter being the Luigi fandom (no citation that this is leftist, and contrary to the writings of Luigi). To his mind the latter is worse “because there is a vanishingly short path between it and more political murders in the short-term future”, whereas open Nazism at the highest levels of the American conservative movement doesn’t hurt anyone [important].

  • Post from July, tweet from today:

    It’s easy to forget that Scottstar Codex just makes shit up, but what the fuck “dynamic” is he talking about? He’s describing this like a recurring pattern and not an addled fever dream

    There’s a dynamic in gun control debates, where the anti-gun side says “YOU NEED TO BAN THE BAD ASSAULT GUNS, YOU KNOW, THE ONES THAT COMMIT ALL THE SCHOOL SHOOTINGS”. Then Congress wants to look tough, so they ban some poorly-defined set of guns. Then the Supreme Court strikes it down, which Congress could easily have predicted but they were so fixated on looking tough that they didn’t bother double-checking it was constitutional. Then they pass some much weaker bill, and a hobbyist discovers that if you add such-and-such a 3D printed part to a legal gun, it becomes exactly like whatever category of guns they banned. Then someone commits another school shooting, and the anti-gun people come back with “WHY DIDN’T YOU BAN THE BAD ASSAULT GUNS? I THOUGHT WE TOLD YOU TO BE TOUGH! WHY CAN’T ANYONE EVER BE TOUGH ON GUNS?”

    Embarrassing to be this uninformed about such a high profile issue, no less that you’re choosing to write about derisively.

  • Yeah, and applying the Yggy rubric, I’d bet that he started earlier, he posted more consistently, and he didn’t let ignorance of a subject or even mockery of past failures slow him down.*

    And if there are a few other rats with more hustle that he’s overshadowed, well sure give him some points for talent, and a few more for luck.

    • He did famously quit when the NYT made clear they were doing a real profile on him instead of PR puffery, but he couldn’t stay away long.

  • I think you are overestimating how much of SlateScott’s success comes from his brilliance, and how much even his dedicated readers understand (or even properly read) of each post. He’s a poster in a tight knit network of posters, many of whom know each other socially, and all of whom heap praise on the leading lights as high IQ geniuses. Being influenced by SlateScott is self-flattering to a certain type, so you get many testimonials.

    This may be a bit of a stretch, but I really liked this essay on Matt Iglesias, but really it’s about the banality of posting success: https://maxread.substack.com/p/matt-yglesias-and-the-secret-of-blogging

    There are all kinds of things you can do to develop and retain an audience – break news, loudly talk about your own independence, make your Twitter avatar a photo of a cute girl – but the single most important thing you can do is post regularly and never stop.

    …it’s the best time there’s ever been to be somebody who can write something coherent quickly. Put things out. Let people yell at you. Write again the next day.