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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 3rd, 2023


  • It’s supposed to be the chronological order, and I imagine the games are separate enough, with only loose connections, that it doesn’t really matter in this case.

    Because really, chronological is not the best order for many stories.

    One of the best known examples is Star Wars, where episodes 4-5 lose a lot of their power if you’ve seen the prequels first.

    A video game example would be Beaten Kaitos Origins, which is IMO one of the best attempt at a prequel ever. It completely turns the interpretation of the first game on its head, and makes both better because of it. It would ruin the effect to play BKO first.

  • I did see a few low-poly, very PS1 or N64-looking indies recently, even going as far as mimicking the weird texture wobbling from the PS1.

    But Penny’s big breakaway is not really low-poly, or something that looks like 5th gen/PS1. Not graphically anyway.

    Though it’s mechanically rather retro, with the focus on move combos, scoring and speedrunning. It’s almost more of a linear kind of skate or jet set radio-like game than a platformer.

  • Oo boy, no they didn’t.

    Beyond Good and Evil is a nice game, made by Michel Ancel’s team (the original guy behind Rayman and much later fucking Rabbids at Ubisoft) around 2003 for 6th gen. It’s a quite decent sort of Zelda-esque action/exploration game with good characters, humour, a bit of short alternate gameplay phases like stealth, boat races, etc.

    It’s a bit short, but the time it lasts is very enjoyable. And then first problem, it doesn’t really end. It needs a sequel, badly. And unfortunately the game doesn’t seem to have been a huge success commercially.

    So a small group of dedicated fans waits for a sequel announcement, that doesn’t come for a long time. After a couple years, a video trailer “leaks” randomly showing the two protagonists on a… road trip? Maybe? And basically nothing else. It’s enough to get people excited though.

    Mostly radio silence for a looong time, fast forward to E3 2017, and big announcement at E3 on Ubisoft’s stage with Michel Ancel and company. No, we didn’t abandon the BG&E 2 project. Except now it’s sort of a procedural, planet-wide multiplayer oriented game. A prequel too, with different characters. Also we’re making a weird collaborative contest thing where you people submit art to us and we’re including it into the game.

    It was awkward. It looked nothing like the first game was, and it wasn’t a sequel. Fans of the first game are like, where are my tiny but carefully crafted world and Zelda-like dungeons? When will we finally know what happens to the guys whose story we began 15 years before? Why is this turning into “generic Ubisoft game #47”?

    None of that mattered, since we’re in 2024 and that game still doesn’t exist.

    So yeah, fond memories for the OG, but mostly a huge disappointment.