• 3 Posts
Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: March 20th, 2024


  • I thinking Bowman might have missed the Overton window in his district:

    Bowman’s troubles started last fall, when he began speaking out in the days after Oct. 7 as one of Congress’s leading critics of Israel’s war with Hamas. His stand — for a cease-fire and against American military aid — galvanized younger Democrats and the party’s left flank. But in a heavily Jewish district, it also helped foment a backlash that led Jewish leaders to recruit a formidable primary challenger, George Latimer; prompted a pro-Israel lobby to pump a record-shattering $15 million into the race; and eventually lit a match under old tensions over race, class and ideology.


    Link to donate to Bowman’s campaign

    Edit: After thinking about this some more I feel like this is a great example of what makes being a politician so hard and why sometimes taking the stand on right side of history can make things worse.

    Bowman obviously wants to do the right thing and end the Gaza invasion, so he spoke out publicly against it. He doesn’t seem to understand his constituency though, and as a result there’s a good chance he’s going to lose his seat at the table.

    Unfortunately his speaking out publucly doesn’t really seem to have moved the needle towards improving the situation in Gaza.

    So by speaking out without understanding his constituents he might be losing his seat, we citizens of the United States are potentially losing one vote for progressive issues, we’re potentially gaining a vote for aggressive pro-Isreali causes, and the invasion of Gaza rolls on without even noticing.

    So was Bowman’s sacrifice worth it? I guess we’ll see in November.

  • Lol, good news is that both of us are doing the same amount to stop the invasion of Gaza right now. However, I’m advocating for deescalation in the future and harm reduction. Maybe even a Palestinian state of their own. You on the other hand are advocating for more genocide and an escalation of the conflict, complete with Israeli condos on the beach in Gaza.

    A fun fact about me, I’m also opposed to the Uyghur genocide being carried put by China, as well as the Ukrainian and Rohingya genocides being directly enabled by China. Curiously you only seem to be opposed to genocide if it’s a political liability for Joe Biden and can be used to get Trump elected. I wonder why that is.

  • I feel like this quote from the BBC article is the bigger story:

    According to Israeli media, neither Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu nor the defence minister Yoav Gallant were aware of plans for a pause before they were announced. Mr Netanyahu’s office reportedly said the prime minister had told his military secretary that the plan was “unacceptable” after hearing about it on Sunday. He has also reportedly been told that there has been no change to the IDF’s policy and that the fighting in Rafah “continues as planned”. Israel’s far-right National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir said the decision to pause fighting had been made by a “fool” who was “evil”.

  • Biden’s sanctions on solar panels from China has resulted in protected monopolies jacking up costs.

    This claim is not supported by the article in any fashion.

    Summary from the article:

    Clean Energy Associates released a summary of the seven solar module trade policies and solar panel import tariffs currently in place, including AD/CVD rulings, Section 201/302, and the Uyghur Protection Act. These tariffs have significantly increased, or will increase, the cost of hardware imports into the United states – predominantly from China, but not exclusively – by 91% to 286%

    The article addresses how the tariffs are expected to increase the prices of solar panels imported from various countries.

    This seems like yet another blatant misrepresentation of facts as part of OPs aggressive voter suppression campaign to make Joe Biden look bad in order to help Donald Trump get elected.