how exactly is painting a cow animal abuse? I’m curios
I first read function as in mathemetical function, now I wonder, what the avarege zebras stripes function is
of course it’s not that cheap, but still pretty cheap
kamicaze drones are pretty cheap
idk, maybe it’s scary because it’s monopolised by the state unlike the us, where corpos play a big role
I know this comment is satire, but still
I more meant to say what if, and in case that ever happens we should keep crypto around, also cash is just impractical for ordering something online for example
there are some other use cases tho, just imagine the bank would give your payment info to insurance companies for example (which they could), the only way to pay would be cash and crypto
hey, I still use XMR to buy my hrt
Not in my europe (that’s because even our modern houses are at least 50 years old)
I watched it, but it wasn’t that great
there’s no conspiracy in that theory
I got another one (that’s pretty much a fact) in order to get facial recognision, fingerprint sensors, etc working you have to login with your ms/apple/google acc, on windows 7 you didn’t have to… now why would you need an online connection to setup a piece of physikal hardware with local sofyware??? It’s pretty simple: apple, google and microsoft know your face, your fingerprint, your voice, your location, etc
every programming language got something to slow your programm down on purpose (it has legitimate use cases) in rust that would be thread::sleep(Duration::from_secs_f32(0.025))
the feds and big corpos are spying on you and the only reason you’re still alive is because
a) you’re a small fish
b) you help them in some way by being a usefull idiot
c) you’re part of the conspiracy
no, you don’t understand, the feds invented the perpetum mobile, birds only sit on power lines to confuse people like you!
I don’t think that’s a theory anymore at this point
I’m an anarchist, tankies don’t like me because I like my freedom of speech and right to bear arms, not a kid tho