It feels like the dlc wasn’t playtested at all, at least not on monsoon
Kids today barely know what a file is. I have to regularly explain folders and file types. When I asked them where they saved a thing, they answer “On the computer” and look at me like I’m crazy for asking that.
Change the time everyday throughout the year to keep a constant sunrise time
Morning light is also a big health benefit. Going to permanent DST would mess people up, especially school children that would effectively start school 1h earlier.
My still new-ish phone is a pixel 4a I got used. My laptop is a 2012 model and my car from 2006.
The release cycles are insanely fast and have been for a while.
Still no LiDAR.
La reine d’Angleterre est morte sans annoncer la fin du jeu. Est-ce que le jeu cesse par défaut ou il continue pour toujours?
Sensors that the Tesla famously doesn’t have (afaik, didn’t check) because Elon is a dumbass.
Internet satellites need to be in geosync instead of LEO. You need much less and their orbits are more stable, leading to much, MUCH less launches. You also avoid Kessler syndrome and protect the night sky.
The Netherlands are one of the most polluted place in the world. No mountains and all the greenhouses makes a terrible mix.
Greenhouses are a scourge.
They need better shutters.
L’heure normale est meilleure pour la santé. On a besoin de lumière le matin.
L’heure normale est meilleure pour la santé. On a besoin de lumière le matin pour régulariser notre horloge biologique.
Plusieurs études montrent que l’heure avancée permanente a des conséquences néfastes sur la santé comparativement à l’heure normale, particulièrement chez les jeunes.
Je suis sur mon téléphone présentement donc je n’ai pas les liens mais si tu veux de l’information je peux t’en sortir plus tard.
A check is more convenient than cash. I can deposit it with my phone.
Using airport maps could give you really nice layouts too.
I recommend the movie “the wave”. Loosely based on a book based on a true story.
Fun fact: robot mice competitions use fans to suck air under the mice to increase grip enough for the high speed maneuvers.
Look up videos of the competitions, it’s mind blowing.
PP coming in next year to do the same here though…