Fuck Smith. From removing trans rights, the moratorium on renewables, ripping up the green line, removing power from municipalities, privatization of health care, and handouts to oil companies. She is a disaster
Hope you’re okay buddy. I know nothing an internet stranger can say will help, but if you need someone to talk to, let me know.
About right for Edmonton
Didn’t know it was a videogame, but the boardgames is in semi-regular rotation with our group. Lots of fun to play. I’d recommend it
Good. Fuck that guy. That’s my sincerely held religious belief, by the way
Man those are fucked up fingers. Ai still can’t do hands eh?
Great addition. Curios to see the full package dealt
I’d recommend going to an aa meeting as a first step. There’s no judgement there, and they’ve been in your shoes
Is he okay?
Definitely don’t leave your number in a heart. That’s cringy even for hallmark.
You’re over thinking it. Next time you’re chatting, just say “hey I’m on my break now/soon, want to grab a coffee (or a lunch)?” and start from there.
Uhhh, you guys okay down there? From a Canadian
Good. Fuck those sovereign citizens idiots
Well that’s depressing. Everything is going to end, and I won’t even be around for the cool stuff.
Strangely enough, there’s also a 1 disk version:
Seems odd. Either homeless people trying to get warm, or tied into all the gang homicides we’ve been experiencing recently
So 1. This is newable. Green, almost waste free, and unlimited.
If we can refine fusion, we will stop global warming and energy insecurity, virtually overnight.
It’s not a waste to invest in clean tech R&D. At one point, people said the same thing about solar, and look where we are now
I guess I’m just shocked that they only waved signs. In France, the guillotine would have been out. Here in Canada we entirely shut down our capital for months, and both for way less. When will the real protests start?