That’s a great collection! How’s Riddle of Fire?
That’s a great collection! How’s Riddle of Fire?
I didn’t count, but I think Frankie Freako sets an unofficial record for the most times the word “fart” is seen in any feature film. It is a lot of fun.
I got Leprechaun Returns, too (think I found it for a few bucks somewhere) thinking it was going to probably be awful. It was surprisingly good! Then I realized it was directed by national treasure, Steven Kostanski.
I have a few. Jack frost 1 and 2 from the MVD Rewind collection??? Kinda jealous
Yup. If you can’t fix it yourself, ** you don’t own it.**
I haven’t seen it but it looks like it’s streaming on Tubi. Sounds like it’s worth a watch?
I love Kostanski so much. Can’t wait to see Beastmaster!
It’s great! It sits along the shelf of genuinely super Canadian horror movies with The Gate, The Changeling, and Videodrome…
I know! That wasn’t the prettiest game but that was a wild ending…
Yeesh, Not sure what’s worse, that Edmonton can’t stop taking dumb penalties or that Carolina can’t score on the power play. Nobody’s looking very good out there yet!
If they start losing to the Sharks, I might be concerned! One goal closer to that big record, at least…
Thanks!!! I had no idea about FreeTube and it looks awesome :)
They’ve got it all. I’ve never used it for a pharmacy but they sell vinyl records and physical media, camera stuff, toys, food, cosmetics, and all sorts of things.
Looking at the flyers, Country Grocer, Save-On, and Thrifty Foods are doing a great job. Walmart and Superstore are not.
MacKinnon - et la but!!
Enjoy the game, everyone. I know the outcome I’m hoping for - a great game and a Canadian win. On paper, they’ve got a great goalie but Canada has the best scorers.
I heard a lot of people singing O Canada. But then the USA chant started and it felt like any episode of Jerry Springer
Actually, I just looked into it a little more - they’ve got it at Superstore. Currently on sale, too. I just wonder why Beaver Buzz has no mention of having anything to do with Canada (it’s BC owned and produced) while they’ve got “prepared in Canada” for Monster and Reign.
There’s Beaver Buzz. I’ve found it here and there (London Drugs is one place). I wish they had a sugar-free option and were priced a little cheaper, but I don’t think I’ll be buying Monster any more.
The Party King in person! That would have been so much fun to see. You are lucky!