• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023

  • Das Type-Checking kann aber leider nicht mit strikt typisierten Sprachen mithalten und erfordert oft manuelle Checks, die eigentlich komplett überflüssig sind. Liegt natürlich auch daran, dass man die Typen theoretisch ständig ändern kann, egal was dran steht.

    Und was schlimmer ist: Fehler in den Annotations führen teilweise dazu, dass dir vermeintliche Folgefehler an komplett anderen Stellen angezeigt werden, als sie wirklich liegen. Z.B. dass deine Variable an gegebener Stelle den falschen Typ hat, was aber eigentlich daran liegt, dass an anderer Stelle was kompatibles aber verkehrtes zugewiesen wurde, wobei du ursprünglich die Annotation vergessen hast, weil an der Stelle ein Type-Hint aufgeplopt ist, was den ersten Fehler widerum unsichtbar macht.

    Klingt vielleicht konstruiert, aber eine Annotation vergisst man schnell und wenn, dann wird es schnell ärgerlich.

  • The thing is, much of the new stuff is intended to replace old stuff. Modern C++ is a completely different experience than old C++ - actually a much better one imo. But then there are two problems which make things messy:

    1. Lagacy code, where introducing new concepts without updating the older parts increases complexity.
    2. People who don’t know or don’t care and just copy-paste whatever, mixing styles and standards.

    In both cases, you end up needing to know how to do things the new way and the old way, while one of which would be sufficient.

    There are exceptions of course (try{ pun(); }catch(const NotFunnyException& err){ return NOT_INTENDED;}).

  • Sounds like significantly stronger deterrence is needed. Being “just” 15 is hardly an excuse to let someone get away with even plotting murder. You cannot let people grow up with a mindset where that’s ok. The age of legal responsibility should be lower imho, but even if you’re under, you should still be put in state custody for that shit. At least for some time, to ge things sorted and as a warning shot. And again, I’m talking plotting murder, not even having a gun or shooting it.

    Also, hiring kids for murder should be charged as if you yourself carried out or attempted to carry out the murder. You use a stupid kid as a smart tool. Putting a gun in a kids hand and telling them to shoot someone is in no way better, arguably even worse than doing it yourself imo.

    Also maybe finally start to properly regulate social media ffs. It’s literally turning people into violent idiots and threats to society.

  • I’m using Proton Pass aliases and they work like a charm. With the browser plugin, it’s easily feasible to generate one for every single thing you sign up for. I would argue that there are some advantages over DDG (although I haven’t used their service in for quite a while):

    1. Proton applies E2EE to incoming mails
    2. If the mails go to your Proton account anyway, removing DDG means removing a proxy that could read your mails or be an attack vector to do so
    3. Afaik you can secure your proton account way beyond what DDG offers (password + 2FA + Sentinel + extra password for Mail + extra password for Pass) if you want to
    4. Convenience: You can manage everything in Pass and it tells you right away what you created an alias for, allows to create accounts from it etc.

    Is it a total game changer? Probably not.