? I understand not liking the joke but idk where that comment comes from lol
? I understand not liking the joke but idk where that comment comes from lol
Exactly, she can’t really take a bold stance while holding a position cus her stance is toothless. It would be easy fodder to just say “than why aren’t you doing something?” When she actually can’t do anything. Even if/when she has executive authority over it, it’s potentially counter-productive for potential peace talks. If you’re able to present a plan where both parties feel like they have a victory, it’s a harder sell if you’ve already “picked a favorite” before talks happened.
I think it’s the difference between politics and governing. Being the adult in the room is important and I think the posture Kamala is taking makes me optimistic that she has the appropriate priorities. Which will evolve into political wins, when contrasted with Trump. I hope these winks to the left are done in good faith though and not a hollow effort to galvanize the base.
The guy who played Hyde is a serial rapist. He was in the running for Trumps VP.
1000% agree. I’m not stoked about, most likely, not voting in a dem primary for 8 years. Harris wouldn’t be my first choice but I don’t wanna deflate the hype train at all. Hoping for a super majority in congress, that would be the big win. Really hope true progressives can accomplish as much as possible with that. Last time it happened for dems we got the ACA, that should be the minimum benchmark.
I live in Devin nunes former district. One just south is kevin McCarthys.
“I don’t think transsexuals should be discriminated against, expect medical discrimination. Cus conspiracy theories.”
AOC’s district is dark blue. It won’t effect the votes much. It would raise AOCs profile if she has ambitions for POTUS but that’s so many hypotheticals.
The most immediate impact is that it would motivate the base. Dems need voter turnout to win. 2 women lashing the Republicans over abortion rights is a winner imo on top of AOCs popularity with the base. There are sound reasons for it. Not saying I think it’s a good idea though.
The weakness this election cycle, for the dems, is the apathy of the base. In that context AOC would be a pretty solid choice.
I don’t think there time for an actual primary. I’d favor an open convention tbh.
Do you really think there are undecided voters? This has been the 2 candidates for 5 years. This election is about voter engagement and turnout. Biden and Harris both lose on that.
It’s odd to see you put so much of Palestine on Bidens lap. It’s been an issue for at least 40-50 years.
I remember what Obama said in his memoir about Isreal, how that is such a tricky issue for Dems. Isreal is the only consistent military ally in the region. A President has an obligation, as commander and chief of the military. You have into major consideration in the area of the region that’s is most likely to commit act of foreign terrorism against the US.
100% agree with this sentiment. 1 day debate, 2nd or third day, delegate vote. Imagine a national conversation where the cornerstone is about the policies of the democratic platform. Compare them to the policies of the GOP. That will be a huge W for the party, especially down ticket.
Agreed. I’d be in favor of the mods not allowing it.
I hate to admit this but, as a CA resident, I think I might be OK with leaving the union. Let Mississippi fix its own damn roads.
Bro lol this is the comment section for AOC calling out other dems for “resigning to fascism”. She literally did that.
(Not the same person you were in that convo with btw) I’ve always felt that Biden was going to rely on grassroots pro choice groups to really kick up the voter engagement. That’s where the Taylor Swift factor will come in.
I’ve been thinking a lot about how the assassination attempt will effect Bidens chances at victory. I read one take that I agree with, the basic idea is that it won’t effect polling data that much. That’s with the belief that there are no real undecided voters in this election. The key issue is voter turnout per party. And the biggest effect is that this will cause Trump supporters to have high turnout rates. Biden will never do well in that enthusiasm gap, which is a major reason why it would have been best to stick to a single term, can’t undue that though.
There is a unique opportunity at DNC. Assuming Trump will do nothing to “turn down the tempture” Biden can step down as the nominee, claiming his family convinced him to, fearing an assassination attempt. That will flip the entire narrative. There should be an open primary as well. 1 debate with x number of Dems, don’t just nominate Harris, again, democrats need enthusiasm to have a high turnout. That debate will be a huge television event and it will be about the issues, Democrats will win, down ballot even, when they all say tax the rich over and over again.
That’s just me writing a script for this shit. But at this point, fuck it, replace Biden with George Clooney. He’s just as qualified as Trump was in 2016.
Piracy bro lol there’s apples and oranges but that’s skateboards and dinosaurs.
Even with your point being valid there’s tremendous value for society for making somethings as hard as possible.
There are insurance/registration issues that can address that. Of course there endless possible hypotheticals. I’m personally in favor of some sort of “drivers license” equivalent for guns.
But a 21 year old age limit almost certainly would have prevented Uvalde.
That wasn’t the joke I was making though. My joke was that Trump was considering making a serial rapists his VP pick. I don’t disagree with the point you’re making I’m just confused as to why you think it’s relevant.