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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: October 19th, 2023


  • You can absolutely do this without polluting anything on your system.

    The directory name doesn’t matter, when you build the image you’ll specify a tag for it.

    The only thing to watch for is when you build the same tag name again, as you iterate on the Dockerfile changes, docker won’t remove the old image from your local registry. It will just untag it, so you might see several images called something like “<None>”. Remember to remove those every so often so you don’t fill up your Pi’s storage.

    Edit: Also Docker will keep a “build cache” for this stuff, which doesn’t really “pollute” anything but it does take up disk space. You can clean that up with docker builder prune, read this for all the usage info: https://docs.docker.com/reference/cli/docker/builder/prune/

  • First, you’ll need to pick a base image. There are lots to choose from and what you choose will entirely depend on what this service is. NodeJS, python, php, java, etc, all have really solid base images that I would recommend working from. If none of those frameworks apply then you’ll need to work from an OS base image like debian or alpine. I highly recommend debian:stable-slim if you go this route.

    My recommendation is to then spin up a container of your base image and do the install of your service manually, taking careful notes of all your steps. If anything breaks, just blow it up and start again. Once you have all your steps you’ll need to convert that list into a Dockerfile. Go step by step and learn how to do each thing from the docs. Then you can build the image from the Dockerfile and upload to docker hub or anywhere else.

  • It took a lot longer from announcement to launch than anticipated. In that time Musk bought twitter and went full out in the open right-wing nut and several other automakers announced and released electric trucks.

    The vehicle itself suffers from the panel alignment quality control issues that every Tesla suffers from but exaggerated because the body panels really need tight tolerances to look right. The grade of stainless steel they used isn’t great for weather resistance and without a clearcoat it immediately starts to lose the factory finish.