True story
True story
Probably a mix. This was at Cineplex in Canada which also does the IMAX shows here. Maybe they were just behind the curve
That’s Tom from MySpace. Everyone got added as his friend so he could peep on anyone he wanted
In an interview about silicon valley the creators said they interviewed a lot of people in the industry and had to actually cut out a bunch of stuff because it wouldn’t be believable by people outside the industry. One small example was the valuation. The VC people they talked to said pied piper would have gotten a lot more money than what ended up being in the show
I think the Pentagon Wars is about as close as it gets for now. Not about programming of course but all about company bureaucracy and feature creep
Huh I guess I haven’t been to a 3d movie in quite some time. I definitely remember had tilting used to work
Is the concept of this one a full chest tattoo where the sun is one of your nipples?
That’s not Frollum, that’s Vladimir Putin
Maaan, this always happens!
I also remember a behind the scenes thing about the Hobbit talking about specifically the cameras they were using added a colour hue that required them to make all the makeup much more red. So if you see on-set photos/video they all look really red/flushed in order to compensate for the high speed camera colour shifting
Haha makes me think of the alternate ending to Army Of Darkness
May also have been so you can’t see his footprints from walking around or doing multiple takes.
This brings back memories of when my dad decided he was going to get me a console as a gift so he took my cousins to the game rental store and they played the 3do, jaguar and Sega CD side by side to evaluate which one was the best. They concluded the 3do had the most fun games so that’s what I ended up with. Worth it for star control 2 with voices. And return fire was very fun as well.
Landscaping companies every spring when I order more garden soil
I think the solution is to board up the room and leave it for future generations to rediscover and be horrified and mystified on turns
Damn, that guy’s really bad at making sourdough
Stock track is also pretty good ( and it works for more sites than just canadian tire.