Haha makes me think of the alternate ending to Army Of Darkness https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j42eaiLdBTY
Haha makes me think of the alternate ending to Army Of Darkness https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j42eaiLdBTY
May also have been so you can’t see his footprints from walking around or doing multiple takes.
This brings back memories of when my dad decided he was going to get me a console as a gift so he took my cousins to the game rental store and they played the 3do, jaguar and Sega CD side by side to evaluate which one was the best. They concluded the 3do had the most fun games so that’s what I ended up with. Worth it for star control 2 with voices. And return fire was very fun as well.
Landscaping companies every spring when I order more garden soil
I think the solution is to board up the room and leave it for future generations to rediscover and be horrified and mystified on turns
Damn, that guy’s really bad at making sourdough
A left handed measuring tape is really nice in theory but actually it often ends up being kind of backwards to how you’d want it if holding the tape in your right hand and pencil in left. I’ve actually heard some right handed carpenters prefer left handed tapes for that reason.
Yes, though I’ve managed to train myself to twist the knife slightly in the ‘wrong’ direction while cutting to counteract the way it naturally wants to cut. Similar to how you can use right handed scissors left handed if you pull with your thumb and push with your fingers instead of letting them do the natural motion while cutting.
You may not like it but this is what peak performance looks like
How old are they? We bought an LG TV 1 or 2 years ago and it has a lot of online features and keeps prompting me to make an account and accept various terms and conditions for their advertising or to let them listen to the microphone and such. I think it’s mostly optional but they don’t make it easy to opt out
Can’t fool me, I know the back of Darth Vaders head when I see it
the newer chemistries like lithium iron phosphate are much more stable and not prone to thermal runway apparently. They are not as energy dense as lithium ion but that doesn’t matter so much for a non-mobile application.
This would make a lot more sense if it showed how long each of those governments were in power compared to minority governments.
Where do you think they get the water to make those melting ice cubes
I scrolled a bit too fast and the top half of the cat went off screen then I thought it was melting icecream dripping down the side of the couch 😂
Oops got stuck in another lather, rinse, repeat loop
Ie read that the cables don’t reach and you end up having to take up 2 spots normally. Not sure if it’s because you have to park one slot over or if you have two park half way between spots though.
Hmm haven’t seen that yet personally but I’m sure YouTube is always trying things to get around adblockers and probably A/B testing it on various accounts or countries. You could try making sure unlocks rules/definitions are up to date.
Unrelated but I also have been using sponsor block which skips over in-video sponsors which is nice. Though it’s community updated so very new videos might not have the sponsor segments marked yet.
I also remember a behind the scenes thing about the Hobbit talking about specifically the cameras they were using added a colour hue that required them to make all the makeup much more red. So if you see on-set photos/video they all look really red/flushed in order to compensate for the high speed camera colour shifting