On the whole, I think most Canadians would be preeeety okay with this idea
On the whole, I think most Canadians would be preeeety okay with this idea
Too little, too late. Who’s even left in the independent reseller space?
I think it’s just being posted to different Lemmy instances, but we keep seeing it on the main feed because of federation. But I agree it’s annoying
Aw, I don’t dig it
I assumed he’d get off scot free, so this is some progress I guess. Baby steps?
Letting corporations drain our water reserves for the most meager of profits feels incredibly shortsighted, but especially so when you consider literally every long-term climate model. That water is going to be incredibly valuable in the not-too-distant future
"It was a mistake to establish a process that moved too fast,” Ford said.
Pretty tacit admission that he’ll try again. He’s just sorry he got caught.
Semi-related is when you save these videos, the filename is appended with “-silent” which perhaps suggests the wrong stream is being loaded
People saved a couple hundred bucks a few years ago, and turns out that’s all it costs to bilk Ontarians out of their healthcare and green spaces!
Very early-Adult Swim vibes on this one
For many, Eggos are just vehicles for mass syrup ingestion
“I encourage the integrity commissioner to hold people accountable that don’t follow the rules”
LOL, the supreme irony of Doug uttering these words during his presser
Indications were we’d hit the peak already. Sounds like a gambit so he can take credit if the BoC inevitably freezes or lower rates anyways
Good for them! The importance of unions once again exemplified
I honestly love all those primo sound effects they used to use
I can hear that screenshot
I use the CanvasBlocker extension in conjunction with Firefox’s internal privacy.resistFingerprinting flag, which also restricts canvas access I believe
I can guarantee you that nobody working at Google has that kind of charisma