What about honey?
What about honey?
More like creating the conditions of a fire sale to allow the oligarchs to buy up large swaths of whatever they fancy.
These poors don’t know how hard it is coast on generational wealth.
We already get paid and it’s not like we’re going to drive the kids into a tree if we don’t get tipped.
You might not do it, I however am always looking for revenue streams. If it’s for profit, it can’t be illegal.
Looks at the health insurance industry
Like a Manchurian Canadiate?
The only time when having SLAM in the headline; describing a pog war is acceptable.
Also, 40 days is long enough that some people are going to change their shopping habits on a more permanent basis. Creating even a longer impact on Target.
It’s okay Comrade. You get to fuck sharks.
“They’re trying to get me, birdman!”
“Uh, who are?”
“The grays!”
This is the problem of culminating monsters to control. The monsters eventually break free and run amok.
The creators (Newt Gingrich, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Ben Shapiro, etc) all had a hand in it. All these fucks were just grifters for money and power. The problem is all those that grew up on believing the grift, now fully believe the lies. The new crazies fully bought in the fantasy that was being peddled by the grifters.
Run the Jewels - Legend Has It
Oi Olloi - Bash the Fash
Oi Olloi - Let the Boots Do The Talking
Won’t someone think of the corporate donors!
In a video taken from a Cybertruck of a man throwing American cheese slices at the windshield of a Cybertruck
They better be throwing 64 slices of American cheese.
Also, fairly confident if people had the option of being with Musk or a generic pussy. The pussy would win.
the customers poorer which is not exactly great for business.
Yes however have the poors tried not being poor?
Fucking S-Tier shit post.
Depends on the bear. A black bear would be a fight that you may win. Any other kind of bear, nah that bear is going to win.