A completely different linked article? It was literally a hyperlink within it. I ain’t gonna argue with you over something so dumb just because you couldn’t be arsed to understand what you were reading.
A completely different linked article? It was literally a hyperlink within it. I ain’t gonna argue with you over something so dumb just because you couldn’t be arsed to understand what you were reading.
In this context, the article describes quantum teleportation as “teleport information so that it never physically travels across the connection”
So why would we need a physical medium like fiber optics? Do they not use that to transfer the information between qubits? Because that’s what it’s reading as. I understand the superposition of qubits but why is that relevant when at the end of they day, they are transfering information through a medium? In quantum entanglement you wouldn’t need any medium so it’s technically a form of teleportation. I don’t see how optics transferring information whether it’s superpositioned or not would be the same.
“they can just stop trying to stop him if they want”
Thats exactly what I said in my first comment here. I said they have to either decide he’s full of shit or send him for help. If you go respond to someone who’s full of shit and pulled the same attention seeking behavior 200+ times, you’re going to have to expect the next time it happens to be bullshit attention seeking again.
I’m not even going to bother with the rest of it because we are talking in circles and you already agree with my original premise that they need to either decide this guy is full of shit or send him to a clinic.
Well you can’t say it’s teleportation without transmitting data but also say they use fiber optics as a medium. This is about as much teleportation as my fiber optic internet connection.
Here’s an article directly from university of oxford regarding this
They explicitly describe the process as using a photonic network interface. I don’t see how this is entanglement rather than optics/lasers
They even mention using optic fibers in the article
We don’t lock up obese people because they aren’t generally a harm to others due to their obesity other than requiring superfluous healthcare. All we can do for cases like that is teach the public about the health complications. We regularly confine alcoholics when they pose a danger to the public or themselves. We also fine and in cases detain people who explicitly ignore danger signs on privately and government owned property to avoid stupid liability cases. You seem to have a very skewed view on mental health. It is not ok for someone to attempt suicide 200+ times and tie up first responders in a repetitive bogus mental health crisis. If someone really wants to kill themself, they don’t make a show of it or allow anyone to stop them, it’s incredible easy for someone end their life so when I hear that someone “attempted” it 200+ times, that is a clear cry for help.
I understand quantum entanglement is a real thing but in this article, you click on where it says quantum teleportation and it tells you what they do is use laser patterns and no mention of quantum entanglement, it just sounds like fiber optics minus the fibers.
You understand that crazy people don’t usually realize they’re crazy right? Society has an obligation to both protect the herd and help individuals. This guy acting belligerently is neither good for the individual nor the herd. I don’t think anything good comes from “let the crazy people be crazy”.
That sounds like complete garbage though, if those qubits are still in superposition then it hasn’t changed from being both 1 and 0. All that means is that nothing has really between the two points and the teleportation is theoretical.
It’s not confinement, it’s sending him to a mental health care clinic where you can get the professional help he clearly needs before he actually hurts himself or others. Noone is suggesting he needs to be locked in a cage.
I did read it, and my statement is still the same, a criminal broke laws. I didn’t say he did it after he was released.
Dude, click on where it says quantum teleportation…
I don’t think there is a question of mental health issues, that’s why I’m saying why are they not doing something about this instead of wasting their time 200+ times
It says it in the article
Can someone explain how using lasers to transmit an image means it was “teleported”?
Yes but there is someone from within the last 100 years that he reminds people of
And this is an example of how people who don’t actually read the articles have no idea what’s going on
It’s kinda fun time travelling back a hundred years. Oh wait. No, no it isn’t.
I think somewhere between attempt 170-210 they should consider either he’s full of shit or needs to be kept in a hospital.
I don’t think 300 million would even be enough. They want to make an example of him.