This game is fun! It’s still early access, but it is worth the regular price. There’s a decent amount of courses and the driving physics are fun. If you are talking about the old Colin McCrae games this will be your jam.
This game is fun! It’s still early access, but it is worth the regular price. There’s a decent amount of courses and the driving physics are fun. If you are talking about the old Colin McCrae games this will be your jam.
Never too late to start!
I can’t believe anybody has been paying almost $100CAD for this. I want to get it, but I can’t justify the price… See you in a few years Konami.
Could not agree more. I’m hoping he has a Hindenburg moment… Soon
How is anyone believing this guy’s shit after all this time?
That is by far the craziest looking bat I ever did see! I love his determined yet derpy look.
Podcasts are not what this song is about at all. You are not totally incorrect though, podcasts are similar to radio.
I would agree that modern cars temperature controls work well. My issue is just the screen for controlling it in some of them. I don’t mind messing around with the controls in my old car, but it’s very convenient to just set a temperature and go.
I agree it might be a temperature variance thing. I will frequently use the heat in the morning going to work because it’s cold and then be using the AC on my way home because it’s hot out.
I’m not sure how old you are to get this reference, but you might be setting up your kid for a Watership Down/Bambi’s Mom moment with this one. This movie is probably the saddest movie I have ever seen. I’m actually near tears just thinking about it even.
That is a good one! Made me laugh :D
I agree, it got too cheesy and predictable since everything was so focused on feelgood moments.
Might not be so lucky next time, doper!!
What a happy moment it must have been when Charlie heard the other elephants in the distance calling out after 40 fuckin’ years in jail 🥲
At least he’s getting a chance now to be free.
If your bun doesn’t go insane for banana they might not be a rabbit!
I thought the same thing, but now I’ve probably got over a hundred hours into this game. It has great progression, with tons of fun unlocks and different types of levels. For under $10, it’s a great deal.
Good call, she’s possibly just looking for “Mr. Right”!
I saw a lady driving a big red Dodge Ram the other day covered in you know which stickers and there were 5 full sized flags on the truck bed.
As I saw it in the distance I said to my gf “oh, check it out, pp compensation truck ahead” and was shocked to see a woman driving.
Ugh, go away turd
I don’t know what this is, but it was hilarious