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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • A lot of drugs cause permanent problems when abused, and are still prescribed. Testing is needed to figure out if there’s safe dosing and whatnot. Worse, safe dosage for one person may be incredibly unsafe for another, just like with depression meds which can permanently cause mental issues (in addition to depression) at normally prescribed and “safe” dosages. This is why honest discussions and ongoing check ins with your doctor is vital in any prescription change. Hell, penicillin almost killed my mom, and that’s relatively safe unless you have an allergic reaction.

    Definitely hard to test with drugs that offer non medical and very obvious side effects. Hopefully there is an interesting breakthrough in understanding mechanics so we can make safe PTSD helping meds, but something so drastically painful to the person having it may not have a safe cure because the systems that go haywire are so ingrained in the preservation systems of our brains.

    Brains are weird. Any tampering is possibly dangerous.

  • Science is pushing the bounds of human knowledge. Science is only science if it propagates, otherwise it’s just someone’s discovery. Science has to be built upon, even if it’s disproven, that means it was documented well enough to be built upon. That’s not to say everything that’s disproven is science, because crackpot theories don’t often push the bounds of human knowledge.

    I hope the brilliant students get their knowledge out there. (But that is unfortunately hard in academia. Despite us living in what should be a post knowledge scarcity society, we clearly aren’t.)

  • Poik@pawb.socialtoScience Memes@mander.xyz✨️ Finish him. ✨️
    26 days ago

    This is why the machine learning community will go through ArXiv for pretty much everything. We value open and honest communication and abhor knowledge being locked down. This is why he views things this way. Because he’s involved in a community that values real science.

    ArXiv is free and all modern science should be open. There were reasons for publications in the past, since knowledge dissemination was hard, and they facilitated it. Now the publications just gatekeep.

  • Poik@pawb.socialtoScience Memes@mander.xyzAutism
    1 month ago

    I’ve noticed a lot of things that are considered autistic in the states specifically may be normal practice in various cultures, having worked with people in Germany, and from a large swath of Asia.

    It interests me a bit, but I think the takeaway is that autism tends to manifest in a number of quirks, and the ones that don’t align with the current culture the autistic person is in are the ones that are paid attention to. That and there tends to be a bit more obsession over said quirks than in those cultures, sometimes to the detriment of the autistic person or their social life.

  • Poik@pawb.socialtoHelldivers 2Change your Steam review
    2 months ago

    Sony would have won that legal battle and AH would cease to exist.

    The devs could move elsewhere, but backing for people who fought capitalism and lost is less favorable than you think. We probably would never get another Magicka. And definitely would never get another Helldivers, let alone Helldivers 2.

    I’m all for overthrowing the system, but AH doesn’t have the sway to do anything but hope they can continue making fun games. And I hope they do. That gives them more sway, one game at a time.

  • Poik@pawb.socialtoHelldivers 2Change your Steam review
    2 months ago

    They still need to go through Sony to get it onto the PS5. And Sony’s forced weird things before. It’s why there was an exclusive character for each console during Soul Calibur 2 days, Sony forced exclusive content in a game they didn’t publish in order to have that game on their console. There are plenty of other examples from that time, but I didn’t own a Sony system back then, so I can’t remember any off the top of my head.

    Sony has final say on anything that goes into their console’s library, but they mostly mess with directly published games these days.