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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • Because they use the same protocol: ActivityPub
    For example, E-Mail gets send over the protocols pop3, smtp, imap. It doesn’t matter if you use Outlook or Gmail for Android or whatever email program. They still send data to each other using these protocols. Therefor both know what to do with the information exchanged.

    There is software that is completely different from Lemmy and Kbin which can still interact via the ActiviyPub protocol. For example Mastodon for Twitter-like mini blogs. Or PeerTube which is a video platform. Pixelfeed is an image sharing platform similar to Instagram and the like. But since they all use AcitvityPub you can interact, comment, vote etc. on these images and videos or mastodon posts here on Kbin or on Lemmy.

    In theory this sounds great. But obviously the different software needs to have the backend and the UI to support these features implemented.

    To make it all even more difficult to implement, since all these different installations are spread over many different servers (= federation). Which all can have difference in their software again and different speed and rules about how often they synchronize their data.

  • Ein Kind adoptieren und von Anfang an Wissenschafts-positive und Klimaschutz Werte beibringen und hoffen dass es später geniale Dinge erforscht. ;D


    • Gar kein Fleisch essen und am besten sogar eine vegane Ernährung annehmen. Tatsächlich ist das glaube ich das leichteste was man tun kann das einen großen Einfluss hat.
    • Und natürlich auf das Auto verzichten, wenn nicht schon geschehen.
    • Wenn man ein Grundstück hat, dieses verwildern lassen, soweit der gesetzliche Rahmen es zulässt. In eine kleinere Wohnung ziehen wenn möglich.
    • Man kann viel tun in Richtung Plastikverzicht. Vor allem natürlich bei Nahrungsmitteln aber auch bei Kosmetik und Hygieneartikeln…
    • Genauer hinschauen von wem man Produkte kauft und generell weniger Konsum. Man hat als Konsument nur Einfluss auf große Klimasünder wenn man von ihnen nichts kauft.

    All diese Dinge haben das große Dilemma dass sie der Einzelperson zunächst viel abverlangen. Aber würden es alle machen, dann wäre es für alle leichter. Würde zum Beispiel niemand mehr in Plastik verpackte Lebensmittel kaufen, was meinst du wie lange noch weiter Plastikverpackungen hergestellt werden würden?

  • A first step in removing bigotry is perhaps to let go of the stereotypes. There are a lot in your post… None of which you can back up with hard data. It may be hard for you to sympathize with, but always getting confronted with the supposed “fact” that you are the odd one out when you are not male, white, middle-class, does not exactly make for a welcoming stance.

    The same goes for stereotypes about who is interested in what kind of topics (supposedly). It doesn’t help anyone to repeat these stereotypes again and again. But it’s offputting for people who get put into boxes like that.

    Have some faith in people who do not fit your archetype or you. They are more capable than you think. When we would all stop to basically tell them “No don’t try, this is too complicated to you and you are interested in other stuff anyway!” that would help a lot.