… but they did, remove it from the Play Store.
Yeah, no, that’s not even a capability that Google has. Android is not built in a way that would allow them to do this, nor is there any rational reason they should alter it to do so.
… but they did, remove it from the Play Store.
Yeah, no, that’s not even a capability that Google has. Android is not built in a way that would allow them to do this, nor is there any rational reason they should alter it to do so.
… but they did, remove it from the Play Store.
Yeah, no, that’s not even a capability that Google has. Android is not built in a way that would allow them to do this, nor is there any rational reason they should alter it to do so.
Those last four words. Even NB, I would never say that about a personal choice like so.
Their parents are the ones you’ll have the hardest time convincing of that truth.
Wait. Whose face did they photoshop in on the right? I can sorta see Elon’s face on Mugatu, but on the right … Putin?
Those advertizements tend to be porn, escorts, and “dating sims”. Stuff that main-stream ad companies, Google included, won’t touch. The search engines are not profiting from those ads.
You’re talking boat-people. The topic is Dock Queens; The vast majority of the boats in most marinas, which never leave the dock.
I’m a boat lover and a (thankfully)former landlord. I seent it.
Same people who own all the empty properties, residential and commercial; Fucking leaches, that’s who.
3 times a 2% risk, after 60 years of life … If we take such a small sample-size at face-value. Even among Danish twins, its likely tattoos themselves were more common among those with more stressors, but there’s not even any mention of income levels, or any of so many other indicators that likely had a bigger impact than tattoo ink.
Imagine thinking that piracy sites advertize, or generate any sort of revenue for search engines.
Retail absolutely looks at daily sales year vs year, referenced to both Julian Dates and Gregorian Dates. They use the data to set staffing levels and to decide when to have sales between holidays.
My step-dad would raise his hand and say “Teacher!” when they were in ear-shot.
Never got why my mom hated it. She’s more of an “Excuse Me!! Let me tell you my life story while you refill my water! No ice please!”-lady.
I wish to end my own existance as I know it. Some of us are ready to start over at better.
I want to hate that you’re right, but what I really hate any more is all the surprised butthurt that will surely be coming for your comment before long. Country and Party full of Ostriches at work.
He tried to be a headache for Disney. He accomplished, really, nothing of note. The worst he could do to Disney would just fuck over his state.
That’s what makes his anti-Tate stance exceedingly cute, on so many levels. Not only does he lack the power or will or conviction of his words, but no-one one either side gives two shits what DeSantis has to say on this topic, or any other.
I mean, I said “if not … enthusiasm” because the only evidence of enthusiasm I’ve seen is the reported volume of her content. The link I followed from a comment here was lacking in quantity, and her pics exuded apathy.
That said, you seem to be assuming she wouldn’t have a day-job or any will to survive, and stating it like common knowlege or even wisdom. I’m not here to correct you, but only because I can’t be bothered. Just … damn. Whatever you say.
Honestly, its a trope and a pretty common issue, as well as something I struggled with when I was young.
If you look at incels, its the reverse: a whole bunch of people convinced they lack something specific which others are singled out for to attract a lover, regardless of personality or character. They convince themselves they have nothing to offer but their “entitlement to sex”, to the point they eventually become right about the nothing to offer part.
Not without a sob-story from the girl. Doubt she did it for the money. Someone with the time and commitment to doing this(if not energy or enthusiam) she demonstrated would make better money doing just about anything else.
Fair enough.