• 6 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • For years I thought Raspberry Beret by Prince was actually Raspberry Parade. I had only ever heard the song through tinny garbage store speakers so forget about hearing the verses of the song. All I knew was that there was this wacked out chick that held a raspberry parade she had found in a second hand store that may have been acquired by coming in through the out door.

    I just chalked it up to goofy 80s lyrics.

  • Late_Settlertocool websitesimageboard scraper
    2 years ago

    Is it 7chan? Do they still do party mode when to many new people show up?

    Actually looking at the options the site appears to scrape from a number of sites from 2chan, 4chan, 7chan, 8chan, and Reddit. I thought 8chan died? Anyway be sure to set the filter to off for the most cerebral content.

  • I get why he stuck with the less than inspired newer textures. From a plain old boring business perspective you want the game to look consistent with other let’s players so that their viewers won’t find your channel as jarring and make it easier for them to stick around.

    Would a mix and match even work? Modern Minecraft is all soft and blurry compared to the rougher more jagged look where Notch picked a colour and hit the noise button a dozen times in gimp.

  • I’m wholly supportive of northern development. If all of the proposed economic activity comes to fruition in the future in terms of resource extraction and shipping then we’ll need the people and infrastructure in place to facilitate that. It’d only make sense for defense and development to go hand in hand. After all a more heavily populated area is much more easily defensible.

    Looking back at the article I’m surprised it didn’t touch on that subject. I guess my brain just filled in that obvious gap.

  • Late_SettlertoPC Gaming*Permanently Deleted*
    2 years ago

    Nice to see SimCity 3000 on there. I know 4 is more feature complete. Especially with all the mods available for it. But there’s a certain atmosphere to 3000 that I just enjoy more.

    Fun fact SimCity 3000 wasn’t even playable for a few years because the DRM was so invasive that Windows blocked it as a security threat.

  • Most of the fight against the province is currently going on at the municipal level.

    To use one example. Despite the blatant short term profit seeking legislated in the More Homes Built Faster act it may have the unintended consequence of forcing denser more efficient neighborhoods that aren’t a sinkhole on local budgets. Not Just Bikes over on Youtube has a quick introduction to the issue here. Local governments, notably Brampton and Mississauga would temporarily balance the books with the collection of developer fees creating a subdivision ponzi scheme that worked as long as you still had future land to develop on. This legislation completely breaks that cycle and now everyone in those cities is going to feel the hurt for a bit while property taxes are jacked up to better reflect the real cost of low density sprawl. The new realities, as well as public consultation will shape how development works going forward. It’s easier than you’d think to get involved in that process and can largely be accomplished purely through online feedback. I’ll admit your experience will vary from one local government to another.

    Personally I was involved in helping conduct an inventory of historical buildings in my local area also in response to the More Homes Built Faster act. It didn’t get a lot of traction in the news but the act also gutted the Ontario Heritage Act leaving local governments scrambling to document and designate notable historical structures before they’re stripped of protection and left to the mercy of developers.

  • Late_SettlerOPMtoHomebrewBrewing Modern Raw Ales
    2 years ago

    Wow. That keptinis article probably deserves it’s own thread. My immediate thought is that the mash loafs could be put into a smoker and with that it opens up all kinds of choices for adding wood smoke or herbs depending on what you’re going for.

  • It’s Lecce. Don’t expect anything resembling reality outta that guy.

    As for cursive itself the only positives I’ve seen mentioned in research and in anecdotal conversations is that physically writing information down helps with memory retention as opposed to typing it out on a keyboard. Although I’d imagine the same could be said about simply printing it out by hand.

    It’ll be interesting to see what style they introduce in this new curriculum. Looking at examples online my style fits mostly with the Zaner-Bloser method.

  • Late_SettlertoMinecraft / MinetestMinetest for Kids
    2 years ago

    The big draw for him might be Minetests moddability. All of a games content is in .lua files and it can be modified with just a basic text editor. An easy thing to do would be to change the mining time of a pickaxe or change the number of planks you get from a wood block. If he really gets into it, it’s possible to create a game from the ground up without relying on the base Minetest Game.

    Best bet would be to set him up with the Minecraft clone game. This can be done by going to the Content tab in the menu. Select Browse Online Content. On the second page is Mineclone2.

  • Late_SettlertoRushYouTube channel with great Rush videos
    2 years ago

    I was familiar with the channel previously but it’s really been hitting my feed hard recently. The YouTube algorithm must be being kind to him.

    The best example I’ve seen from him was his YYZ Rush in Rio upscale. It also shows some of the limits of upscaling. Particularity in the crowd shots. His description really tells you how much work can go into this kind of thing.

    This DVD has been my biggest challenge yet in terms of finding a way to improve it. It is one of my least watched Rush DVD’s and it’s a known fact that there were some issues recording this show and it’s a miracle it was recorded at all. As a drummer a big reason why I don’t watch the original much is the drums came out really weird, thin, clicky and almost MIDI sounding, so the only way I was going to tackle Rio was if I could improve that. Long story short, I found a way to extract the drums, duplicate them, use various effects on the additional track to try and add missing frequencies and ambience lost in the original mix. Additionally I tried to remove all crowd noise from the rear surround channels and what I found under that was some of the drum ambience / overhead mic audio, so I also tried to smooth it out and layed that on top of everything, among other various things I did with the audio like making a new stereo mix from the DTS-HD Bluray disc I own with less intense crowd noise and more focus on the instruments, from there I just used trial and error with all sorts of plugins in FL studio.

    As for the video, it was also a big challenge due to the fact that there seemed to be all sorts of cameras shooting all sorts of resolutions and lightings, and that is very unusual and makes improving the overall video nearly impossible. So I broke the video down in to three resolutions and used different upscaling algorithms on each one, then stitched them together, which actually wasn’t quite as hard as I thought. Anyway, not sure how many songs i’ll try and do off this show because of the amount of work, but at least I have the templates now that I could use again and speed up the process. If there was any song that deserved to be remastered from this show it was YYZ because of it’s reputation, so at least we got that.