You just need to deregister.
You just need to deregister.
Because Discord users are insufferable. Remember when they screamed and cried so much about them changing to a different shade of purple?
Discord sucks, but I’ve actually had a 100% successful help rate on it vs Reddit or Lemmy.
Typically Discord servers have specific tech support rooms, and you’ll get help pretty quickly. Only once I have had to ask my question a second time, because it was missed the first time.
Meanwhile Reddit threads just get downvoted, buried, and you’re never helped. Even when I try to search for threads that other people have posted, 90% of threads are just blank.
Lemmy is the worst. Doesn’t matter what you need, they’ll just call you stupid and tell you to use Linux and FOSS alternative, ignoring the fact you NEED to use what you’re asking help with.
For most of us who aren’t American, this format is funny.
More people died per day from COVID than this attack. More people have died from gun violence since this attack. America has a ton of problems, stop holding onto this attack so tightly for some reason.
Removed by mod
Ok, poor boy.
Don’t worry, you didn’t need it.
Lemmy losers click downvote the millisecond anyone says something positive about anything non-FOSS, or a bigger corporation. You already clicked that button, just like you’ve already downvoted this one.
How about not releasing an unfinished shit game?
If they use all that stuff to shoot the video, it means they already made it or they spent money they shouldn’t have.
Pretty clear you’ve never owned a business. You have to invest money to start it.
When in reality the game is still missing nearly everything it promised in the launch trailer.
Perhaps most improved game of the year shouldn’t even be an award. It’s quite literally awarding a game for being shit, and getting fixed.
Not really going to get into it with you, because you clearly have your mind made up, but you pretty much nailed why at the end.
I have a vivid memory of YouTube being a platform where normal people could share videos of their kids and pets or other fun random low quality but entertaining things
People spend a lot of time and money making videos these days. They aren’t just random low quality things. They have teams of sometimes hundreds, use cameras worth half a million dollars, and may take a week or month to record said video while paying those hundreds of employees.
Again, not going to change your mind, Lemmy is very open about not giving a shit about others when it comes to money, but it’s not 2006 anymore, and people need to make their money back AND pay their employees.
Personally I’m fine watching a few ads to support the content I clearly want to watch. Seems weird you’d be interested enough in what someone has to show you, but refuse to help them in any way, but whatever.
Remember guys, don’t forget to hit the downvote button if you haven’t already. How dare I say anything positive that isn’t just “fuck ads, fuck YouTube, fuck everyone!”
That’s my biggest gripe with consoles. Even if you have a working console, and even if you have a TV that can display composite, It’s not going to look amazing.
Meanwhile, there are mods on PC to make Oblivion 4K.
Or even if you take the performance of consoles. There are a lot of PS3 and PS4 games that are poorly optimized, and they dip below 10 frames per second often.
I mean hell, Xenia emulation gets better frames in RDR1 than Xbox 360 or PS3. In fact, RDR1 runs like shit on those consoles, getting an average of something like 20fps.
How many times I’ve purchased GTA 5 on PC: 1
How many times PlayStation users have purchased GTA 5: 3
Must get old to have to rebuy your games every generation. Not to mention the ps5 version is still worse than the PC version lol
It’s wrong that if a president is doing a really good job, the majority like them, they still only get 8 years maximum before they are forced out.
How about voting people out when they start to do a bad job, not because the timer ran out? Change just for change sake is stupid.
Welcome to Lemmy where discussions aren’t welcome. Only echo chambers.
The average reader would read past the headline. This isn’t Reddit. Don’t blame me because you skim titles.
Then why post such a useless comment?
Google is literally the only manufacturer that lets you unlock your phone day 1, officially, without any “e-fuses” or warranty voiding, with step by step instructions on their own website, and you’re saying they are killing custom ROMs?
Perhaps custom ROMs are dying because people don’t feel a need to flash them? I haven’t flashed a custom ROM in probably 8ish years, because my phones stock ROM has everything I want. I no longer need to flash a ROM for flashlight toggle, screen recording, scrolling screenshots, etc. It’s all built into my OEM ROM.