she/her just trying to live the ancom dream in the mountains

  • 1 Post
Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: March 31st, 2024


  • Become a trapdoor spider, and leave a basket of Bed Bath and Beyond gift cards outside your door as bait?

    Step two say ??? No idea what really. Maybe cross your fingers you have a shared interest and the whole kidnapping thing isn’t a big deal.

    Step three be in a relationship, and probably learn to leave room more often.

  • So, why do we need a supermarket? Is there any reason a supermarket couldn’t be replaced with it’s contingent parts? A butcher, a veggie shop, a convenience food shop, a pharmacy, a bakery, and a condiments shop?

    I don’t see why they have to be stapled together when separate works just fine. All of which could fairly practically be stocked individually by small light duty trucks, or even a bike with a decently sized trailer.

    I also don’t see why even if you staple everything together, a cargo tram wouldn’t work. Have two, a passenger tram that works one route, and a cargo line that runs by the loading bays of local stores. They can be switched on and off the overarching infrastructure without interfering with each other.

    It would be a paradigm shift for the US, but I fail to see how it would be an unworkable one.

  • Actually it’s probably rabbits, they take very little in terms of feed and water to get meat from especially if you go for a meat rabbit breed. Bonus points if you go for one who’s fur is worth more, like the American Chinchilla vs the pure white ones that get a little bigger.

    Though for maximum efficiency you really have to go for insects melee worms and crickets are up there in terms of protein conversion.

    Whales are impractical like most carnivores since you have to raise their food, wasting plant matter to then feed the carnivore it’s meals making it roughly twice as inefficient to eat a carnivore over an herbivore.

    There is also the land use issue to get land use as minimal as possible you need to maximize calories/protein per acre and how possible that is will vary with the location. Some locations goats are ideal since traditional agriculture is impossible and they can forage effectively on it.

    Also water constraints will limit what your best option is for maximizing the end goal, anyway I’m so far of track…