France has staved off Le Pen temporarily. Macron’s race is run, and they’re going to be the next country to fall into the fascist shit heap.
And unlike Italy, they’re a big enough part of the EU to make a massive impact on the rest of the continent
France has staved off Le Pen temporarily. Macron’s race is run, and they’re going to be the next country to fall into the fascist shit heap.
And unlike Italy, they’re a big enough part of the EU to make a massive impact on the rest of the continent
I live in south-west Ontario and drive a RWD sports car all year round.
There’s nowhere I need to be that I can’t get to in the winter with the right tires and attitude. I’ve also driven it across to New Brunswick 3 times now over Christmas and through some gnarly snowstorms.
As long as the snow’s not building up on the road and bottoming me out, I’m good.
Why not just vote properly – for someone who will work for you with honour and respect?
A government that seeks to keep a roof over your head over a few extra dollars in their personal bank accounts IS a government that is treating us with honour and respect. The big two don’t have any respect for the common Canadian, aside from milquetoast progressive talking points occasionally, or populist bullshit.
If making housing affordable for everyone is a single issue vote then so be it. I can respect that more than a multitude of other idiotic reasons to be a single issue voter.
Unpunished corporate greed strikes again, and we’re the whipping boy for their shenanigans
Truly a philosophical question.
the end of the line.
I’ve used excel too long and I’ve seen the face of God.
Stochastic terrorism is contagious and not a uniquely American thing
This is horrendous, hope those students and that poor professor come through this OK
It’s a nat-po article, I’m surprised they didn’t just open with “woman bad - liberals bad” and then devolve from there
Except they hang on to the lower cost used home and rent it out at extortionate prices to help pay for the expensive house.