I’m saying the Russian invasion doesn’t justify deporting Russians living in Lithuania for no other reason, just like how the war with Japan didn’t justify putting Japanese people in concentration camps.
The Russian government are using Russians living in neighboring countries as an excuse to invade them, but it’s not like they wouldn’t have invaded Ukraine if there weren’t any Russians there. It’s obviously a pretense, and has nothing to do with the ACTUAL Russians living in Lithuania.
The way I read the article was that all Belarussian and Russian applicants for renewals of visas / residency were rejected.
Edit: the US visa rejection rate is around 15%. This really doesn’t seem like news at all… After reading some other sources on this topic, it seems that it would have been only around 8% of applications, So yeah, seems you are correct. I stand corrected. Seems like this is barely worth an article in that case, countries reject visas all the time for arbitrary reasons…