I remember people talking about it but I don’t know if I ever got one.
Nice try feds
I remember people talking about it but I don’t know if I ever got one.
What point is this trying to make? Nuking a bunch of civilians is better than battling in to the enemy’s capital at enormous cost and bringing an end to their reign of terror?
idk there doesn’t seem to be much awareness that actual human beings die in wars.
The guy isn’t really wrong. Gen Z stuff follows from Millenial stuff but it does innovate in a lot of ways and is dramatically evolving at a pretty good clip. The Lemmy.ml Memes are a good example - Reddit stuff from just a few years ago seems incredibly dull and tired.
And of course it’s utterly different from 20th century humor in many ways. My buddy and I have been calling it Neo-Dada a lot.
I wonder if SexyCyborg would have any ideas. She’s the most cyberpunk human being on the planet, if anyone would know where to get unusual chips in China she would.
No, no, you’re right. Um. I wanted to elaborate because I find many people are dismissive of the difficulty of trying to learn to cook from scratch. It’s kind of a pet issue that intersects with food deserts, food instability, the time demands on working class people, shitty kitchens in shitty apartments, and a bunch of other things that conspire to make it difficult for people to cook good food for themselves at home. I’ve been in so many discussions about it over the years it’s almost a reflex now.
Love Aamer. Great comedian, very on point.
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I was so thrilled to find out that other people had come to a similar conclusion. It made me feel so much less insane.
Cool, thank you for the explanation.
No but it seems you might ; )
Happy hour sushi makes for such a great cheapish date. Ugh I miss dating.
Torturing innocent people isn’t a tone. Eugenics isn’t a tone. Collective punishment isn’t a tone. Figure your shit out.
Yup, no question. I didn’t understand the politcs and details until I started looking in to it.
Honestly I like it as an idea, I have no idea how you’d make it work in practice, but I find the idea of “anyone could become an official, so everyone needs to be educated to a high standard” appealing. I like the idea of a society that greatly values education, and I like the idea of the people being ready and capable to take on an important role whenever required? Practicality? I could see it working for devolved government dealing with local issues, but higher levels of organization probably wouldn’t work well.
h shit I spilled the beans!
Which sometimes makes discussions of chemistry funny.
“Same image” or “same map” is definitely a meme here.
Sorry I’m too smart for this I’m going not going to cause myself psychic damage today.