I genuinely would like that. I do not want to use a web controlled by daft pro-advertiser policies or pearl-clutching daftness.
I genuinely would like that. I do not want to use a web controlled by daft pro-advertiser policies or pearl-clutching daftness.
I’m very much of the opinion of “shit or get off the pot”. If you don’t want to swear, cool, don’t. Censoring it reminds me of all the exhausting nonsense and theatre related to “think of the children” (and more recently, “think of the advertisers”). None of that stuff does a lick of good for anyone, except perhaps the swindlers pushing it.
Fuck everything about that.
“has ran”
Oh joy. What an important cultural contribution that will be.
It runs beautifully.
Like it even matters at this stage.
This specific example may or may not be, but there’s been plenty of examples of developers, voice actors, and so on that have been on the receiving end of awful behaviour from people that do think like this.
What is fundamentally wrong with these people?
What is it that they actually want?
It seems like they don’t want anyone except themselves to exist. That’s clearly not a realistic thing that is going to happen and they’re inexplicably angry about it. All the time. One might as well go through life wishing that the colour green doesn’t exist.
How have we still not mastered animating arms?
I’ve finally been playing through Mad Professor Mariarti on the Amiga. I saw it played many times as a child but now I’m finally playing it myself - and beating it!
This is why I cannot abide the Halo series. I came to them having been raised on Quake, Unreal Tournament, and Half-Life. Halo was like moving through molasses.
…and a convivial Thursday in November to you too!
[…]because nearly everyone who speaks English is a capitalised pronouns user. I. The subject form of the first person pronoun. While it’s not a matter of importance to most people, it is still the proper form used in legal documents and anything else that needs to be done “correctly”. And it got that way because someone, at some point in history, felt their pronoun ought to be capitalised and convinced everyone else to generally agree.
This is as far as I got. That isn’t why we capitalise “I”, as others have pointed out, and if the argument held true then we’d capitalise “Me” as well, which we don’t in English.
You’ve clearly thought about this enough that anything I say isn’t going to change your mind, so I’m just addressing the actual argument being made in that opening paragraph because it’s categorically incorrect. I’m not going to bother reading the rest because I’m bored already. You might as well try to fight the tide on stuff like this.
I say that as someone who got tired of people shortening their name and instead changed their name to one that cannot be shortened because it’s the only effective way to accomplish the objective.
Whilst I don’t care about game discs, the notion of a high end media device without a UHD drive seems nuts to me.
…and nothing of value was lost.
Ugh, yes, that’s really obnoxious.
Something bubbles up from a few decades back:
“I mean, it’s a fact, sure as day follows night, sure as eggs is eggs, sure as every odd-numbered Star Trek movie is shit.”
Third time’s the charm, eh?
The fact that you guys couldn’t put an end to this guy’s career is astounding.