Can I hope that this is just a minor party proposing a bill they know won’t go anywhere in order to pander to their supporters?
Too easy! I suspect it can’t use more than one input source at once, and you’re supposed to switch between them using the Super+Space combo. So it was probably still set to English.
In Lemmy replies go under the comment you are replying to. If it’s not very clear which comment someone is replying to, you could try using a different way of viewing Lemmy.
If you’re using an app, there are lots of options to try. See and filter by the platform at the top.
If you’re accessing in a browser, check out the alternate front ends here:
I tested in Zen and it works fine for me 🤷
I don’t have English as an input, only Māori. It doesn’t prevent you using letters not in Māori, in fact it seems to work the same as English but allow the macrons. I noticed the same thing in Windows as well.
OK so I think I’ve got black coffee going alright with my espresso machine. The grind, tamping, extraction time and volume of espresso seem right.
But I am seriously struggling with a milky coffee. I can froth up the milk with the steam wand fine, and heat it until the jug feels quite hot, but when I put it into the mug the coffee just isn’t that warm. I have tried heating it like crazy and it doesn’t seem to keep the heat. I always end up having to microwave it for 20 seconds.
Anyone got any tips on how to make a hot milky coffee? Should I be heating the mug?
Peters is known to stir up trouble, and is a brilliant politician in the worst way.
The current government is a coalition of egos that was always tenuous from day 1.
I don’t think you can argue our government is “cool” right now. Like many other countries, there was a hard swing to the right in the post COVID fallout.
Idk, anything for novelty? If another kid gets chips or roll ups a lot they might want a marmite sandwich?
Yeah true. I refuse to buy those little bags of chips that contain more plastic bag mass than chips.
those mini packets of cinderella raisins
Ooh I forgot about those! The dentist told me not to give the kids dried fruit haha.
Ah yes I almost forgot about all the facebook stuff. Have you read Mindf*ck? The one about Cambridge Analytica not the romance novel that comes up when you search for it. While not directly implicating facebook, they are at least complicit in some pretty horrible stuff (and that was 10+ years ago). It’s one side of the story from a whistleblower but it’s a pretty crazy story.
I haven’t posted on facebook in a long time (I can’t remember posting anything after they got rid of “walls”), there’s an awful lot not to like about facebook, but there isn’t a replacement. There’s Friendica, sure, but that is not in any way ready to replace facebook, and I have pretty simple criteria (posts are private, handles video and photo uploads well. That’s pretty much my whole list).
I can’t remember what age I started not taking lunch to school, but it was before high school. Before that, yeah, two sandwiches. I never got little packets of chips or things like that as a kid, not sure when that got more common.
I wonder if your kids are trading or something?
For sure. I see empty chip packets come home in their lunch boxes that I never put there. Sometimes a muesli bar wrapper or roll up wrapper. Not sure what they are trading, fruit and sandwiches doesn’t seem exciting enough to entice the other kid,
The last update was less than a month ago so I’d guess it works:
You can remove all the posts from your feed that aren’t from your friends. I remember getting a bit lost in all the settings though.
If your friends are the ones with the hate speech and genocide, then… I guess you can block keywords? Or just un-friend them.
You can buy bacon without nitrates, but the nitrates are the yummy bit… it does make it pink but if you taste bacon with no added nitrates it’s not the same.
In terms of dosage… this isn’t really a case of benefits outweighing risks. I’m not aware of any health benefits of eating highly processed meat (that you couldn’t get from the unprocessed equivalent). Easiest to minimise consumption to reduce the risk. I’ll still eat it on a burger in the same way I’ll still have the occasional beer even though alcohol is a known carcinogen, but I don’t want processed meat to be an everyday food.
I also have right alt. I can do āēīōū by holding right alt and pressing the letter. Just checking settings, I seem to have the compose key disabled but the alternate character key enabled. I have Māori as the input language.
Hmm the UK Marmite I’ve had wasn’t very syrupy. Well, I haven’t had it except once a long time ago so maybe it was and I don’t remember. Or maybe there are different brands.
Well this is going to turn a bit dark but processed meats are loaded with nitrates (normally sodium nitrate, listed as “Preservative (250)”), which is one of very few things on the WHOs “definitely causes cancer” list. So I try to avoid it if possible.
Outside of occupational risks (and biological ones, like HPV), the “definitely causes cancer” list is very short. The main ones are basically smoking, alcohol, and processed meat.
So it’s not a case of “everything causes cancer” and more a case of specifically avoiding processed meat in lunch boxes/in general.
The list is here:
Group 1 is the definitely causes cancer group. I find it easiest to download and filter in Excel.
The list of groups is here:
A lot fewer possibilities than that! No special characters, all lower case, it was a word in the dictionary.
Those were different times.
I’m assuming you mean someone who is good for the country (someone we should want to represent us) and not someone who is good at playing the politics game (Winston Peters being an example of the latter and not the former).
I think a politician needs to be able to answer to their constituents. If someone comes and asks why you voted a particular way you need to have an answer (that is not just the party told me to). This includes being able to explain when you voted for something you didn’t agree with because of the party direction. They would need some really good people skills and conflict resolution skills.
I think a good politician should have influence in their party, and influence that party to aim for long term goals even at the risk of not being voted in for the next election. Doing what is right for the country not right for the party.
Outside of that, I think you get into some specific skills for ministers and select committees, etc, that are not necessarily “politician” skills. Prime Minister is another specific skill that is hard to really nail down.
I’m just rambling really, I’m making this up as I go as I don’t really know what would make a good politician. I think I’d recognise it when I see it, which I hope will happen within my lifetime 😅
I still have a facebook account for family reasons but I never use it except for answering messages. When I did, there was an extension F.B. Purity that would take care of the ads as well as being a bit of a RES for facebook. You could edit settings to only show certain things in your feed, and other cool settings. But facebook in general is not something I want to be near these days.
I don’t have a better answer than I just don’t want to. I don’t want to be a public figure. I don’t want to be always working. I don’t even want to talk to people. I’d make a terrible politician.
And then there’s the part where you want to enact change but the system is rigged against you.
I wonder how much enforcement the new horse rule will get.
People who did upgrade would have found regressions in several of those versions.
We’re on 0.19.8 so just one version behind that I need to get around to updating, but before that there were a string of versions with known issues.
Lemmy is not even version 1 yet, it’s risky to update to a new version straight away.