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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: March 15th, 2024


  • Weird. I dont remember Neo murdering civilians and then parading their naked bodies around while pelting them stones. I also dont recall the rebel founding charta mentioning something about a holy war of eradication against all clones in the galaxy.

    Maybe, just maybe, the real isnt like a neat 3 hour film with clearly established sides and maybe we could acknowledge that neither Hamas nor the fucking IDF is remotely close to being good. But nah, that would require us to not make cheap point for likes on twitter.

  • Belastend@lemmy.worldtoich_iel@feddit.deich🗳️🚫iel
    5 hours ago

    Entschuldige bitte, ein wenig Populismus? Wo ist denn “Haftstrafen für Schwule” kein Hass? Wie zur Hölle kann man eine Partei wählen, deren Ostdeutsche Führungsriege so eine Scheisse wie “den deutschen Volkskörper mit wohltemperierter Grausamkeit säubern” geschrieben hat? Zum Thema, das wird sich regeln: Die AfD ist seit 2013 nur radikaler geworden. Das war mal die Partei, die du gerade sehen willst, aber zur war Lucke nicht rechts genug, dann Petry und jetzt Meuthen. Die Führungsriege ist massiv nach rechts gerückt. Nix mit Deradikalisierung. Stattdessen werden Menschen wie Sellner hofiert.

  • Despite his great reforms and his secularism, he was still a turkish nationalist first and foremost. That included suppressing the Kurdish language and setting the “purification” of Turkey as his goal. Turkey, in Atatürk’s vision, should become a nation inhabited by turkish-speaking and turkish-feeling people only. From 1931 onwards, speaking Greek, Armenian or Kurdish in public was heavily discouraged, foreign sounding first and last names were changed and so on.

    Atatürk himself said:"Within the political and social unity of today’s Turkish nation, there are citizens and co-nationals who have been incited to think of themselves as Kurds, Circassians, Laz or Bosnians. " In his eyes, such identification were delusions. Maybe its a bit crude, but you could say he tried to drive the Kurd out of the Turk. In modern terms, you could see that as cultural genocide.