Ups, someone in Ukraine played the UNO Reverse Card against Israel.
Ups, someone in Ukraine played the UNO Reverse Card against Israel.
Cool, good to know.
I wrote a script to do backups on a ESXi it uses Busybox’s ASH, one thing I learned after spending hours debugging my scripts was that ASH does not support arrays so you have to do everything with temporary files.
Still Gandalf was partial to some Old Toby.
I’m not sure, but remember to comb it first, to put one’s best taint forward.
Even with the president seat in reach I would expect the GOP to somehow take it from JD if they get the chance.
JD: I’m the president now!
Them: Sure kid…
B-team ha! JD is looking to finally graduate from waterboy.
A evergreen quote:
Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.
He will probably say:
Just give me your rings, gold teeth, and labour because:
Work will make you free. (Arbeit macht frei)
You are not my Daily Show host, go away!
We know them as Abyssal Pharynx
In some way I understand Romania, ship those assholes back to the states. And bar them from the country (hopefully), then the assholes are not their problem anymore.
Yes it’s a shame they didn’t pay for their actions, but I expect them to fuck around and find out in the near future.
Spoil yourself and buy an egg.
It took a while for me to get it, but it still read ngnix as “n.g. -nix” in my head.
Yeah to me it’s: big Tesla, medium Tesla and Porsche-ish Tesla.
The parents now: We are proud of our son the gaming meme gremlin.
Can’t wait for the new edition of the bible where they “fix” all the woke speak.
One way Tolkien adds tension and time is to end with a cliffhanger for Sam and Frodo in book 4 (part 2 of Two Towers) you then start following Merry and Pippin in book 5 (part 1 of Return Of The King) and have to read all of that before returning to Frodo and Sam in book 6.
Reference: A bit about the 6 books https://screenrant.com/lord-of-the-rings-tolkien-6-books-why/