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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: August 27th, 2023


  • How else do you write them?

    In a single (but not smooth) stroke, like how one would write a (mirrored) h, but where you would end the h normally, you connect it back to the bottom of the stem instead.

    I learned cursive

    That’s even weirder that you’d do ol for d then. I’d expect you to do a single stroke o, starting at the right hand side, but upon completing the o, continue straight up to make the stem of the d.

    IMO a hallmark of messy writing should be the shortcuts taken to reduce the amount of lifts of the stylus for efficiency’s sake. You need to improve the efficiency of your sloppiness, to make things worse so it gets better 😂

  • Dude, thank you for this. IMO reducing that down to simply “cloud native” is doing a disservice to how absolutely cool that methodology is.

    I loved RancherOS in the server space, and always wished there could be a desktop version of it, but I realize that the isolation of docker on docker would be very difficult to deal with for desktop applications. From your description, I feel like Bazzite has done the next best thing.

    If I may frame things in RancherOS terms and perspective briefly, given your description of what’s going on with Bazzite, the System Docker container image is being built in the cloud every day, and you could pull it down, reboot, and have the latest version of the OS running. The difference, I am gathering from context, is that while RancherOS “boots” the system image in docker, Bazzite simply abandons RancherOS’s hypervisor-esq system docker layer, and does something like simply mount the image layers at boot time (seeing as how the kernel is contained within the image), and boots the kernel and surrounding OS from that volume. The image is simultaneously a container volume and a bare metal volume. In the cloud, it’s a container volume for purposes of builds and updates, which greatly simplifies a bunch of things. Locally, the image is a bootable volume that is mounted and executed on bare metal. Delivery of updates is literally the equivalent of “docker pull” and a boot loader that can understand the local image registry, mount the image layer volumes appropriately, and then boot the kernel from there.

    Do I have this roughly correct?

  • Hey there, I’m the founder of Bazzite.

    Hey man, so great you are here! What an opportunity that you came here to provide clarity. Thanks for being here!

    Just wanted to confirm that we have no interest in VC funding. we’re [not] marketing to people with too much money and a lack of sense

    That’s super great to hear. Refreshing in fact.

    Putting a whole distro together is a monumental task. Why have you gone to all the effort to do so? What does Bazzite bring to the table that can’t be found by using any other distribution? For everyone who is currently using, say, fedora, why should they all switch to Bazzite today? (I am currently running fedora and I am thinking about a change, can you give me a reason to jump?)

  • As someone who builds and deploys software in the cloud all day, seeing the term “cloud native” used for a desktop OS just reads as jibberish to me, no offense. Nobody can seem to explain clearly in simple terms what is actually meant by it.

    Does it just mean all of the compilation of binaries and subsequent packaging have all been designed and set up to run in a uniform build pipeline that can be executed in the cloud? Or is bazzite just basically RancherOS (RIP) but for the desktop? I am seeing people in this thread talking along the lines of both of these things, but they are not the same.

    Can you explain what the term “cloud native” means as it relates to bazzite in a way that someone who can build Linux from scratch, understands CI/CD, and uses docker/kubernetes/whatever to deploy services in the cloud, could grok the term in short order?

  • Here is something I remember from 2 decades ago.


    They used sound to make standing waves that created areas of hot and cold, then somehow ejected the hot, keeping the cold. You’d just keep the hot and eject the cold instead.

    Unless you are going to do something like Ben and Jerry’s though, all you are going to be doing with your speaker idea, as far as I can see, is to try to induce friction heat via vibration, and possibly move air around. There are easier ways to make heat than that. You may also create mechanical fatigue in the material moving it back and forth so much in the attempt to make heat, which may negatively impact the performance of the material.

    As for ultrasonic humidifiers, they work by exploiting water’s ability to cavitate, as it is a liquid. If you can get plastic to cavitate somehow and emit only water vapor, without destroying the filament, that would be impressive!

    A resistive heater is probably going to be a more effective means of drying filament. Personally I would just get an air fryer and run it in dehydrate mode, if I wanted to use a consumer device in an alternate manner

  • If you think that’s bad, imagine for a moment that they are the only money in the whole system, then charge interest on the loans, and then fast forward to a time when all the loans resolve and everyone is paid back. It’s actually impossible, because there’s not enough money in the whole system to both pay back the loans and charge interest. You have to print money to make the system keep working, but doing so devalues the currency. To cover the loss of value, prices go up to compensate (inflation).

  • This is going to be a super weird request for a handful of reasons, the first being that you already abandoned watching it, but for some reason I am just super curious what your review in particular would be if you watched the whole thing, just for the sake of it now that you’ve said that, and came back to tell us. Other reviews be damned, something about your reaction to it is interesting for some reason, which makes your opinion of it in full compelling, if you’d consider humoring us. I’m serious.