Where the fuck is the video? Is it just not loading properly on my phone or is this really just a dogshit article about a video without even a link to the video so I can judge for myself?
edit: found it: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Xxwo3OA8vmI
And as suspected this interaction just reads to me as a dumbass old whete guy clumsily trying to compliment a young girl’s hair and make her feel good about herself. Yes, it was awkward and tasteless but I don’t believe for a second that he was thinking “buy her” as in slavery terms. I think Trump is a moron too and it irks me that he is president but everyone who is screaming “slave owner vibes” about this, is as crazy as the MAGA nuts on the other end of the spectrum.
Go ahead Lemmy, rip me a new asshole. Ya’ll are so desperate to hate everything the dude does that you’re out of touch with reality. No wonder he won if there are wacko’s on our side calling shit like this racism.
yeah. Takes a bit to get used to but I now have less typos than on regular keyboards. 🙂