Just checking out this Lemmy thing. Also, on Mastodon.
It is not legal to charge a different price at the register. Also, it would be quite difficult to ensure the price you pay at the register matches the price you saw on the shelf ten minutes ago.
Thank you for this. I have been using YT music premium for ages but have been generally unhappy with it.
As it turns out, Stingray is included in my cable package and offers curated channels that fit my musical tastes.
As an Oilers fan I am all too familiar with having the second best goalie in the game. This has that feel.
Should have applied for a management position. Seems aptly qualified.
100% agree.
I’m 50 years old and I am the IT guy for people of all ages. Not because I am part of some gifted generation that understands computers, but because I have a genuine interest and took the time to learn these things.
My 16yo son also has a keen interest in computers and I am passing on my knowledge where I can.
I somewhat feel that attributing computer knowledge to a generational thing in some way diminishes the effort and time it took to get the knowledge and experience that I do have.
You don’t have to have hung around with Henry Ford to be a car guy, or Nikola Tesla to be an electrician.
You paid off debt? How do you ever expect to get ahead doing that?
I already have two kids. Is it too late to adopt this lifestyle?
Alberta here. I had no problem walking in to the local pharmacy and getting my COVID booster and flu shot.
Of course, my province probably has the lowest vaccination rate in the country so there is that.
“These demands inappropriately tell school districts to place atheism as the state religion. Thankfully, the activists’ arguments are misguided and outdated.”
Atheism isn’t a religious belief. In fact, it is the absence of a religious belief that makes one an atheist.
It seems this guy is misguided and his views are outdated.
For day to day use I generally grab anything that I am interested in and leave it seeding indefinitely, or until I need to prune to free up some space.
If I need to boost ratio I grab something that is new and hot to seed for a bit. In general though, I try to seed things that have lower seeder counts so that they remain available. Many times these are not things that I am really interested in.
If you are not using any private trackers then I suggest you get on one and just be active. If there is a particular thing you are interested in then there is probably a tracker for it.
I also seed Linux ISOs but those are public so it doesn’t help when it comes to ratio or anything. It’s just a thing that I do because I can.
I recently watched Twisted Metal and it was pretty darn good. Who doesn’t love cars with guns?
I’m in Alberta. Our UCP overlords are still investigating the serial arsonists that are starting all these fires. FFS, how can we have even a modicum of hope that we can do anything with meatballs like that in charge?
I was thinking this as well. If people won’t click past the headlines then we are truly doomed.
I do think news not being on social media might not be a bad thing. I guess we’ll have to see how it plays out.
This is such a BS law. It should be framed as paying for headlines, not news.
I have no love for Meta but I have to side with them on this one. This law makes no sense. People post headlines on social media and users click on those to go to the news outlet and read the article. In the end, the news outlet still gets the advertising revenue and the visits to their site.
That is a good way to explain it. Well done.
I saw right of the bat that people were having problems with the game crashing often. I want it but for $90 I’ll wait until it’s patched.
Unsealed court documents last year revealed London police said they had reasonable grounds to accuse five world junior players of sexual assault.
I would love to know who these five players are. They need to be held accountable.
I read somewhere that the base game pass for console doesn’t include online multiplayer. That seems weird but might explain why the price is close to gold.
Fuck yeah! McDavid with the winner!