• ConTheLibrarian@lemmy.world
    2 years ago

    Inspired by this bit about Anakin and Podracing…

    I’d like to see a show that is comprised of low stakes single episode plots. Each episode would feature different characters and take place during those periods of time the movies skip over. They’d largely be about character development, world building, comedy, or just following up on untold stories.

    Some Examples:

    • Luke’s life before he met obiwan (blasting wampa rats etc)

    • C3P0 & R2 working for Leia between episodes 3 & 4

    • Jar Jar Getting exiled and living on his own

    • Anakins previous podraces & sebulba

    • The alluded to past adventures of Anakin as Obiwans Padewan

    • Leia becoming a leader in the rebel alliance

    • Chewbacca and Han meeting / having adventures

    • Yoda training child Obiwan / Ashoka / Qui Gon

    • Hoth/Yavin prior to the Empire’s discovery