Also funny (but also sad) video from AngryCops (A drill sergant, video is on the same topic but brings in some specific examples).
Also funny (but also sad) video from AngryCops (A drill sergant, video is on the same topic but brings in some specific examples).
Kinda? Its complicated. Theres a schism between lower enlisted and officers. If you haven’t, Id also watch the angry cops video linked down below. Hes active military, shows how some officers make problems.
Also, the vaccine was not tested, did not go through proper fda approval, only 92 members died from covid. For context, over 500 died from suicide the sane year. Shits fucked all around.
The vaccines were tested.
Normally, a corp spends a long time researching a virus keeping all information secret as long as possible, then they make a vaccine, then it goes through 3 trials, one after another.
For covid, information was being shared globally, governments gave billions of dollars, and the 3 trials were planned at the same to avoid any delays
Nearly infinite money, the world working together, and running an aggressive schedule is what got things approved so quickly.
You’re right, that isn’t that many, especially when you compare it to the number of DOJ contractor deaths; 1 out of every 4723.5 of Military covid cases resulted in death, whereas 1 in 327.8 of the DoJ Contractor covid cases resulted in death. That’s more than a 10x difference.
The issue is trying to prove why those numbers are so different, or why the military number so low.
Is it low because the military members got the vaccine, which significantly reduces the symptoms and risk of death from covid?
Is it low because the military members have access to better healthcare?
Is there a huge difference in the general health of the Contractors vs the Military Members?